Thursday, 29 December 2011

If you have done this already then here is something to keep you sweaty:

A. Back Squat; 5,5,5- use a wt. that is relatively challenging but you are able to complete all reps with super-duper form. Control yourself on the way down then pop yourself back up for each rep.

B. Chinups; 3x Max reps- these should be only strict reps, if unable to do say 5+ reps then do all 3 sets with 1-2 feet on a bench (so that you max out around 10-15 reps). Whatever the assistance is, be sure to keep it the same throughout the 3 sets. THis means you will do less reps per subsequent set and that's OK. DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF MORE ASSISTANCE AS YOU GO TO GET MORE REPS, there is no need for this as it promotes overtraining and can prevent you from doing chinups in a couple days when you need to get back on the bar again- soreness that keeps you away from the gym for a week is bad for business!

C. Swiss Ball Side Bends- 1 set to fatigue for each side- note # of reps per side. Do you have a tendency to curl forward or back? make note then keep it straight.

D. Swiss Ball Crunches- 1 set for max reps, however is most comfortable for you

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Thursday Dec. 22/11

Testing Day!
I will be trying to get as many Fitness Tests done as possible today and Dec. 30th.... Be ready for some pinchin'!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Saturday Dec. 17/11

A. 3-5x
5 Pullups (weighted if possible- try to build on the last time we did these)
10 Push Press- weight should not be too heavy, able to do all reps without complication, suggested is up to115#, but add 5-10% to last time.
2:00 rest

-total 5:00 rest

B. 3x
8-10 Bent over Barbell Rows (moderately heavy); no rest
90s Bike Sprint
90s rest

-total 5:00 rest

C. 3x

8-10 Goblet Squats (mod. heavy); no rest
2:00 Row/Run/Bike for distance
2:00 rest

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Wed. Dec. 14/11

A1. Sumo-Deadlift; 5,5,5; add 5-10# to last time; 30s rest
A2. 15 Burpees- chest to floor; 2:00 rest

B. 5x
2 Broad Jumps- for distance and/or height
20 KB Swings- to eye level
50' Farmer walk (25' there and back) with foam pails or heavier- walk quick and avoid failure
rest as needed- be fresh for each set so that you can hit it hard each time.

C. 5-10 mins on rower/treadmill/bike at 60-75% effort- get sweaty but don't kill yourself

If you need video of these movements then scroll back over the past few workouts and you should find what you need.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Friday Dec. 9/11

A. 3-5x
5 Pullups (weighted if possible- try to build on the last time we did these)
10 Push Press- weight should not be too heavy, able to do all reps without complication, suggested is up to 95#
2:00 rest.

B. 6-10x:
2-3 clapping/explosive fast pushups every 60s- stop once your speed/recovery starts to decline

C. 3-5x
10 KB Swings to eye level; 60s rest -should be moderately heavy but terrible- up to 55#
10 Wall Balls; 60s rest - should be a weight you can do a steady set right through, ideally up to 20# and a 10' target.
If you feel awesome right through then great, if you feel yourself powering out/slowing down/needing to decrease the wt. then finish that round and call it a day.

Push Press:

Explosive Pushup:

Monday, 5 December 2011

Tuesday Dec. 6/11

A. Back Squat; 5,5,5; rest as needed (2-3mins?) (shoot to add 5-10# from last time you did these)
All 3 sets should be tough with the last one being right around your previous 5RM, beating it by a few #'s would be good...

B. 6-10x
Every 60s perform 2 Broad Jumps quickly for max distance...
so on the min you jump 2x then rest until the min is up. (be sure to have good footwear and be in a dry area to avoid a catastrophic slip potential!) Also, if your distance starts to lessen/are unable to recover in time for subsequent round then stop these and move on acter that set.

C. 5x
8-10 Bar Dips (Bench Dips or Pushups if needed)
30s Max rep Switch Lunges (or alternating lunges)
2:30 Rest

For the Dips start out at bodyweight and add 10# per set AS LONG AS YOU CAN DO ALL 10 REPS QUICK AND STRONG- if you end up only doing 8-9 or even if you are questionable about the next increase then keep with the same wt. Avoid decreasing wt. if possible, if you need to I would rather the reps went down and intensity stayed the same... that being said if you end up doing less than 8 reps for a set then switch it over to DB Shoulder Press.. main thing is to change it up.
For the SL's it's OK to end up with a bit left in the tank at the end of each set, ideally they would be quick and the reps would prove to be taxing not the sheer weight of the movement.... so, don't worry about adding wt.

Broad Jumps:


Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Thursday Dec. 1

A. 5x
5 Pullups (weighted if possible)
WallBalls- Max in 60s
Rest as needed- should feel ready for the pullups

B. As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 mins:
15 Situps
15 KB Swings
50' One Arm Farmer Walk (fast)- Use same KB as swings, use one arm for one round then switch for next round... and back and forth.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Monday Nov. 28/11

A1. Sumo-deadlift; 5,5,5,5,5; 30s rest b/f going on to A2. Increase the wt. for each set to get to potentially a new 5 rep max for the last set.
A2. 10 Burpees- chest to floor; 2:00 rest.

B. AMRAP in 12 Mins (AKA 12 Minute Cindy):
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

How many rounds can you do?

If notice his hands are in an "overhand" grip, keep yours this way too. Feet are wide, knees are out wide (not caving in on way up), chest is up and you'll notice his back is not rounded out like a vertebrae is going to shoot out!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Wed. Nov. 23/11

A. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X1; Build to a 1 rep max; go up in sets of 3 reps until unable to continue at 3's then do a total of 3-4 sets of 1 to find out where you are at- USE A SPOTTER!

B. @ 10% of your 1RM in A, test out max reps for each of the following movements:
- Powel Raise
- External Rotator
- Trap 3 Raise
(note # of reps per arm able to complete- this will identify if you have any specific strength imbalances that need to be addressed in your training)

C. @ 85% of 1RM in A, test out your max reps in the Bench Press- use same tempo as A. Shoot for 10+ reps but understand that this may be WAY off, some may only get a couple of reps in and that is OK- not an indicator of how strong you are, more an indicator of if you are more fast twitch or slow twitch dominant in you pressing muscles.

D. 500m Row- for time and average watts.

Beauty of this is, we should be at 57 for the morning and I will be doing this too! So, if you want to see where you are at for structural balance on these movements then be ready for some fun!
All of these are tests.... so push hard and dig deep on the row.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Sunday Nov. 20/11

Ooops..... missed the blog post last shift! Hope you figured something out to get movin'.
Rumor has it that it's hit or miss having people in the gym at work- what?! Come on people, this is one of the few things that tends to be static while on shift. If it is because you need some direction on where to go with things then by all means let myself or one of the PFT's know and we'll do what we can for you.
Speaking of PFT's, we will be doing your fitness testing in the next few weeks (hopefully) so have your gym gear with you- I will try to give as much notice as possible.

Workout for today:

A1. Back Squat; 5,5,5,5,5; 30s rest b/f A2. (Should increase wt. each set until finding a 5 rep max)
A2. Knees To Elbows; 5-10 per set, as high as possible; 90s rest b/f going back to A1.

B. 5 Rounds:
10 Pullups
15 KB Swings
20 Walking Lunges- add DBs to your hands if this is too easy... but would rather a smooth fast set than drawn out and struggling to get reps with DBs.

C. Got some time? Get limber and spend some good time getting stretched out. Here is a video of a good stretch to finish off the day:

Mobility WOD- Follow this for a while and flexibility issues will be a thing of the past!

Friday, 11 November 2011

5-7 Sets (1 set = 5 rounds through the list below). 1 round is:

- 1 Deadlift
- 1 Power Clean
- 1 Front Squat
- 1 Press/Push Press
- 1 Back Squat
- 1 Push Press (from back)

The idea is to complete 5 full rounds of this sequence before letting go of the bar and resting......

So from start to finish you will DL the bar (stand up), quickly touch the floor and hop it up to your shoulders, do a squat with it there, hop it up over head to locked arms, drop carefully onto back of shoulders (like doing a regular back squat position), do a full squat, hop it up to locked arms overhead..... that is one round. Go directly into round 2 and complete the same rotation to a total of 5 rounds b/f letting go of the bar. Rest as needed b/t sets, shoot for roughly 2:00 or however long it took to complete all rounds of that set.
For each set of 5 you are encouraged to increase the wt. (this is to be done b/f the set begins and kept the same through the entire set). Ideally you will increase the wt. for each set until you get to a point where you cannot increase the wt/cannot finish all rx'd rounds for that set.

Here is a video of "the Bear" complex, similar in nature but without the initial DL.

Have fun and let me know if you have questions!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Monday Nov. 7/11

...Looks like I missed a day! Hope you picked up Dylan's WOD fromt the other day, looked like a fun one.

A. Shoulder Press; 5,5,5,5,5; 90s rest b/t sets.

B. 5x
500m Row- Hard
Max Rep Pushups- Fast; Chest and Mustache must touch floor (if you're like me then nose is fine too)
2:00 rest.

C. High Knee Negatives; 2-3 sets as many reps as possible; rest as needed b/t sets.
- For these you will hang from the pullup bar, jump or raise feet up so that knees get up high on body (as high as you can) and slowly let feet to floor- try to take up to 5 secs to lower to floor (5 one thousands, not 12345). Resist gravity with your core- you will probably feel this right through the front of your body. You will know when the set is done. There shouldn't be any pain in armpits, neck etc. Just work/fatigue soreness through the muscles resisting on way down.

D. Finish off with a good stretch, spend some time on your front on the floor propped up on elbows.... get those core muscles back to a normal length.

Shoulder Press Instructional:

Hanging Knee Raise:
If you can do these with arms bent then go for it, although you can do with arms straight- just make sure if you have shoulder issues that you are careful with this as it can cause discomfort/injury if shoulder strength is not enough to hang with a bit of movement.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Sunday Oct. 30/11

A. Goblet Squat; work up to a heavy set of 3-5 reps then do a total of 3-4 sets at that weight; rest 90s max b/t sets on the way up.
50 Double Unders/Tuck Jumps
5 Burpees (chest to floor)
40 DU/TJ
10 Burpees
30 DU/TJ
15 Burpees
20 DU/TJ
20 Burpees
10 DU/TJ
For time.

After a good warm up see how quick you can rip through this workout. Double unders are when you skip with a rope and it goes under you twice with one jump. If these are too difficult then you can substitute them out for Tuck Jumps- jump with arms straight out in front of you as high as you can bringing knees up to chest.

Goblet Squat:

Tuck Jump:

Remember, if you have time on Monday the 31st I know a guy in Cochrane looking for any available hands to help him move.... great way to get the hair on your lip a little kick start!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Thursday Oct. 27/11

A. Bar Dips; work (increase wt. each set) up in sets of 5 until you can't do 5's then do sets of 3 until you max out for 3 reps. So you will end up with a 3 rep max for your dip- ideally you'll find this max wt. within 3-5 sets of 3.

B. 10-1 Ladder of:
Pullups- Kipping OK
KB Swings- up to 24kg
- 10 Pullups/10 KB Swings, 9PU/9KBS, 8PU/8KBS.......1PU/1KBS.
Can you do all rounds unbroken? That will be the attempt if possible- use feet for assisstance if needed.

C. 3x
Max L Hang (or if you can't hold for any longer than like 10 secs to a Knee Tuck, basically the same thing with your knees bent)
60s Skip singles - Practice
60s rest

Weighted Dips- without a belt you can put a DB in your knee pit, works pretty good.
The bent knee version:

Friday, 21 October 2011

Saturday Oct. 21/11

A. Deadlift; 3,3,3,3,3; increase loads for each set, each of the 5 work sets should be tough (while holding awesome form) and the last 1-2 sets really tough.

B. 5 Rounds:
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Pushups
10 Situps
400m run/2:00 bike(hard)
- go through this list a total of 5 times, move to the next item when you have completed all reps of the movement you are working on. How long will it take?

If you need to scale the workout because the # of reps is too much then your option is to do 4 rounds- this is to be decided before you start your workout. Stick with your plan!



Notice the form stays pretty well the same, whether it is in a traditional stance (narrow feet/wide hands) or in Sumo (wide feet/narrow hands:
- weight on heels
- while setting up the back is rounded up, then once in position the back tightens to a flat or even rounded in (concave) position
- bar is close to legs at all times, seems like it slides up and down the legs
- bar doesn't ski jump off knees on way down- a little patience in bending knees when lowering

The deadlift, so simple- just pick the stupid thing up! Yet there are finer points to be practiced to make sure your back is happy and you lift a hella lot of weight.

Let's not see this in the gym:

He did hit a PR, but seriously, we're at work.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

To start off, a hit the rower for a 2:00 Row for a warm-up.
Head over and do some warm-up sets of 5-10 reps (light) of:
Bench Press
Situps and Knee raises
Easy pullups
-only do 2-3 sets of everything then start working up in wt. on the bench. (The warm-up should be around 10 mins and not overly taxing- should not feel like a workout yet, just a warm-up.)

A1. Bench Press; 5,5,5,5,5; all 5 sets should be tough and increasing wt. for each set, set #5 should be the max wt. you can do for 5 reps; rest 90-120s b/t sets.
A2. While resting for A1: Hang from pullup bar and do a max set of knees to elbows (or knees as high as you can get them).

B. 5 Rounds for time (no rest):
10 Pullups
20 Wall-Balls (unbroken sets if possible, you choose the wt.)

C. Get a good stretch. Try to get up to 20secs per hold and try to get through a lot of stretches all over your body. Any extra tight spots? Head back to them a couple times if needed.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Friday Oct. 14/11

A. Deadlift; 3,3,3,3,3- rest as needed b/t efforts, increasing the load for each set so that the last set is very tough (while maintaining excellent form- chest up, wt. on heels, squeeze cheeks). Should take up to 15 mins for these work sets.

B. 5 Rounds for time:
10 Burpees
10 Switch Lunges/Alternating lunges (per leg)

You can land with your rear foot up on the toe, not flopped on the ground like she shows... and wear tights if you want, you just need to make sure you're wearing your AFD T.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Tuesday Oct. 11/11

So, I'm assssuming those of you doing the workouts on the blog played hockey Monday and probably Wed. of this week....

For today:

A. Push Press; Build to a heavy 1 rep (heavy for you); take your time and work on keeping your core locked in for each rep. Focus on locking gut like your are going to get punched, and quick explosive drove overhead. Take about 12 mins to work up to the heavy rep(s). You should end up having 3 or 4 singles that are quite tough but doable and happy on wrists and lower back.

B. Set a timer for 20 mins:
And do pullups.

Goal is 100.

If you can do all 100 note how long it took you to complete and what your sets looked like. If you don't make 100 (and don't worry, chances are you won't be the only one), then note how many you made it through.

Thing is, if you can do pullups without assistance then don't use assistance, period. Kipping OK, if you know how. If you need assistance to do pushups regularily the ideally you will have a buddy to help you with yours by holding your feet or giving a push on the lats under the arms. Keep them tough- like not being able to do more than 5 per set at the beginning and ideally not making them easier as you go.

Have fun.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Thursday Oct. 6/11

Blue Card Day......

Serously, not much time for workouts in the AM today I'm thinking. So might have to split it up somewhat:
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5; 2:00 rest b/t sets.

Do a general warm-up then start working up in sets of 5-10 to warm up your squat, once the wt get tough for 5-7 reps start your work sets. Each set should be heavier than the previous and ideally the 5th set will be a new 5 rep max (most wt. you can do at 5 reps).

Get cleaned up and off to training, hope you bring your water bottle and some good snacks!

Find some time in the evening to get out and do some de-stressing/unwinding from a long day in the chair.
Bike/Treadmill/Rower: 12-20 mins steady state.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Monday Oct. 3/10


It's a mere 1 month away from Movember.....

Here's a workout to warm that upper lip if it is lacking in fur right now:

A. Sled Drag- there and back 50': Drag forward for 50' then backward to the start, resting 60s b/t rounds. Start with 45# on the sled and work up by 20-25# for each set of there and back. If alternating with someone else get the right wt. on ASAP and get going.

B. Sandbag Complex:

5 Rounds of-

7 Sandbag Clean (floor to arms)
7 Sandbag Front Squat
7 Sandbag Push Press
7 Sandbag Back Squat
7 Sandbag Bent Over Row
rest 60s-2min

The wt. will be dictated by the weakest movement, the idea being that you would be able to go through the first few rounds without resting during the round- if you must rest during a round don't drop the bag, try to keep it up off the ground.


These videos are links to Catalyst Athletics, sweet place to go for movement videos and training articles mainly focused around Olympic Lifting but has tons of other stuff. While you're there check out the Performance Menu- Free Issue.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Sept. 28/11

Your choice:
Choice #1:
Standpipe pack runs- in gear, on air optional:
Do one "floor", rest 1/2 the time it took to do the run.
Do 2 Floors, rest 1/2 the time to do that run.
Do 3 Floors, rest 1/2 the time it took to do that run
..... you choose how many floors you want to work up to, catch is you need to go back down. So if you do 4 floors then after a rest you will do 3, rest. 2. rest, 1 done.
If doing this on air, keep it on the entire time (rests included). Time how long it takes to hit 1/2 on the bottle then how long before low air..... good to know where you stand if actually going to hump hose up a stairwell in real life!

Choice #2:
Pyramid (On or off air, but in gear):
Same format as the first choice but different movements.
5 Duffle Bag Clean and press- ground to overhead
15m Sled Drag Forward
15m Sled Drag Backward
- as you pyramid up you will do this in rounds, so you will always do 5 DB Cleans and one trip there and back, just repeated for the # of rounds.
Weights in the bag and on the sled are totally up to you, just make sure it isn't easy!

If you were there the other day doing the SP Pack runs you might remember me mentioning that theoretically your effective strength/work capacity could drop to as low as 40% of that you have in the gym/training environment. With that in mind, here is an interesting chart that gives an idea of where one would be classed strength-wise based on a trained population. Where do you sit? And is there one area that is WAY lower on the scale than the others?
The one that you found to be the lowest on the scale for you should be considered you priority for strength training, until brought up to par with the others. This doesn't mean you stop training the other lifts, but more like it should be the first component of your first workout of the week. Takling your weaknesses will strengthen your strengths and help to prevent injury in the long run.... and in the short run too.

Have fun!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Sunday Sept. 25/11

A. Deadlift; Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps; only as much rest as needed (up to 90s or as long as it takes to switch out with a partner).

B1. Deadlift- 3 reps x 3 sets with wt. achieved in A; 30s rest.
B2. Leg Lower- take 5 secs. to reach ground; 5-15 reps x 3 sets; 90s rest.

C. As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 mins:
10 Burpees
10 Wall Balls- up to 20# to 10' target

Monday, 19 September 2011

Tuesday Sept. 20/11

A. 8-10 Rounds of:

- 5 Pullups/Chinups- preferrably strict at body wt. or with a bit of foot assistance, no kipping.
- 10 Goblet Squats- use KB/DB that you figure you could do for about 15 reps if fresh.
- 15 Situps- throw your hands to come all the way up.
- 60s rest

B. One Arm Farmer Carry- Heavy; 3-5 sets of 60s work: 30s rest after 2nd arm.

Grab a heavy DB or KB with your least dominant side and go for a 60s quick walk, switch hands immidiately and do another 60s, 30s rest.... repeat for a total of 3-5 times. Key is to pay attention to yourself, if you feel your core failing after a few rounds then stop there- be sure to give the same amount of stimulus to both sides.

If the movement is technically no problem for you then you can increase your speed.
The idea with the 3 movements together would be that you push it at around 80-90% effort to earn your rest periods. Keep wt. the same for all sets and if you find yourself crashing early then stop at the end of the next round, do not decrease wt. unless this happens in the first few sets. You can increase the weight if you feel the need.

Be cool like this guy... with only one though. Remeber, it is always easier to build your weight rather than find out it is too heavy. Be smart and make sure you listen to your sides/back, if there is any question about the wt. being too heavy then lower it before you even pick it up. You can always walk faster if needed, and there is always another workout to go heavier!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Workout Hiatus..OVER!

Hey guys, had to take a bit of time off there... sure you figured out something to do in the gym over the last few shifts!

Here you go for tomorrow:

A1. Chinups; Max reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.
A2. Ab Roll Out- Barbell or TRX; Practice keeping core tight and back happy, 5-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.

B. 5k / 3.2m run...... but....
every 3:00 get off and perform:
- 10 Burpees
- 10 KB Swings
- 10 Walking Lunges
(start 3:00 countdown when you get back on the TM)
How long will it take you to complete??

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sunday Aug. 4/11

So you want a core workout do ya?

  • Hit the bike/treadmill/rower for 3-5 mins- get the HR up a bit and a bit of a sweat on. Row/treadmill would be best as it will involve more arm movement and end up warming up the arms too.
  • Do some arm circles, leg swings, upper body twists.... dynamic stretches to get you limbered up.
  • 3 rounds of:
- 5 Pullups
- 10 Pushups
- 15 KB Swings
- 20 Walking Lunges (10 per leg)

A. Side Planks; Test how long you can hold each side for 3 sets; 30s rest b/t sides.
Goal is 90s on first set. Keep body perfectly straight, up on one elbow.... no leaning
forward! Shoulders should be stacked right on top of each other, if your top arm is
touching anything other than you hip- you're cheating.
Should look like this...your attire is up to you...

B1. Hanging Leg Raise (as high as you can go hanging from PU bar) ; 5-10 x 4 sets; 10s rest
B2. KB Swing- to eye level; 60s straight x 4 sets; 60s rest.
This is a super-set so be sure to do these in B1, B2, B1, B2..... order for all 4 sets. Get your
knees as high as you can hanging from PU Bar and switch right over to the KBS- choose a
wt. that you can maintain the full minute... add wt. if you are able to.

C. 100' Sled Drags- There and back: Drag sled forward 50' then pull sled backward 50'; 45s rest or as partner does his/her set.
Start with 45# on the sled and add 25-45# FOR EACH SET. Keep adding wt. until you feel
your body telling you to stop- this will be somewhere in the 5-10 rounds.

D. Got some juice left? Pick up a heavy DB and go for a walk.... just one heavy DB though.
When you feel the need to drop the wt. switch hands and turn around & go back to the
start. Repeat w/o rest for as many rounds as you can muster.

Good video on the KBS to recognize some good/bad movements. The only thing I would say to disregard for today is the ht. the KB goes to. CF likes to go overhead and that is fine, but for most everyone else the "Russian Swing" is quite acceptable and what I am looking for- just get it up high enough to see under it.... so when it says it's bad to only go that high, don't worry about it. The hip drive/tight back and heels planted are the main focus here.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Thursday Sept. 1/11

Today's workout is a repeat from: Friday Aug. 19/11, but with a few subtle differences- these will be indicated in bold in each section of the workout.

A. Standing One Arm DB Press; 5-7reps x 5 sets; 90s rest after second arm.
Keep palm/knuckles facing the side of you head the whole time and hold onto the rack with other hand for support.
(Use weaker arm first and if you can do all 8 reps then increase load, try to take a full 4 seconds on way down and drive up hard.) As you have done 1 less rep per set than last time you need to ensure the weight is higher than last time, try for around 5% increase in wt.

B. 3x
9 Pullups; 30s rest.
16-20(8-10 per leg) Alternating Lunges with heavier DB's in hands; 90s rest.
again work with around 5% increase in wts.

-5:00 total break before moving to C.

C. 5-15x, or add 3-5 rounds to last time:
10 Pushups
10 KB Swings to eye level
10 Situps rests, see how quick you can finish! Pick a # of rounds you want to complete, or even set a timer and get as many as possible done before the beeper goes off (I recommend 12 Mins. if this is your plan). Main thing is push yourself and make the pushups/KBS's perfect. Throw your hands to get a bit of momentum for the situps.... sounds like cheating but you are allowed for today!
If you went with the timed route last time then do the same time and see how much more you can do in the same amount of time.

If you have a hard time remembering what you did on previous workouts then it might be a good time to start documenting your workouts. iPhone/notebook/the comments section of these posts.... whatever works for you, go for it. You need to know if you are progressing!

Ummm, so what I am looking for is the way his hands are always pointed the same way- palms to face. When you get to the top bring your arm to your ear (not ear to arm) and lock out straight over head. While doing one arm hold on to something sturdy with the other.
A shirt that is too small is optional, however if your belly-button (or Bee Boo as my kids would call it) starts to show you just might get booted from the gym! Enjoy.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Saturday Aug. 27/11

A1. Ab Roll-Out- on TRX/Wheel/Ab Ball; 10-15 x 3 sets; 30s rest.
A2. Back Extensions; 10-15 x 3 sets; 60s rest.

B. 5x
400m Run- 1/4mile run on treadmill or 2 laps of hall
Max Rep Pullups
Preferrably no rest- shoot for bigger reps on PU, if using assistance get a minimum of 10 reps per round.

C. Farmer Carry; 60s on/60s off x 5-10 rounds.... increase wt. for each set until unable to increase without loosing grip of good posture.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Wed. Aug. 24/11

A. Goblet Squat/Front Squat; In 3-4 sets work up to a heavy set of 5 reps; little rest (just enough to switch wts/rotate w/ partner.

B1. Goblet Squat/Front Squat- using same 5 rep wt. as A; 4-6 reps x 4 sets; 30s rest.
B2. Hanging Knee Raise/ Knees to Elbows; 5-10 reps as high as possible; 60s rest.

C. 5 Rounds:
- 10 Pullups
- 10 Dips (or 20 Bench Dips)
- 400m Run (or 500m Row/2:00 Bike)
- 60s rest.

Goblet Squats
Short hiking optional....

Front Squat (ideal if you have the shoulder/wrist flexibility for it)

Bar Dips- get as low as your strength/flexibility will allow you.... there should not be shoulder pain here, just a good burn in the chest and tri's.

Bench Dips:
Massive amounst of wts. for this is optional

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Friday Aug. 19/11

A. Standing One Arm DB Press; 6-8reps x 5 sets; 90s rest after second arm.
Keep palm/knuckles facing the side of you head the whole time and hold onto the rack with other hand for support.
(Use weaker arm first and if you can do all 8 reps then increase load, try to take a full 4 seconds on way down and drive up hard.)

B. 3x
8 Pullups; 30s rest.
16-20(8-10 per leg) Alternating Lunges with DB's in hands; 90s rest.

-5:00 total break before moving to C.

C. 5-15x
10 Pushups
10 KB Swings to eye level
10 Situps rests, see how quick you can finish! Pick a # of rounds you want to complete, or even set a timer and get as many as possible done before the beeper goes off (I recommend 12 Mins. if this is your plan). Main thing is push yourself and make the pushups/KBS's perfect. Throw your hands to get a bit of momentum for the situps.... sounds like cheating but you are allowed for today!

Ummm, so what I am looking for is the way his hands are always pointed the same way- palms to face. When you get to the top bring your arm to your ear (not ear to arm) and lock out straight over head. While doing one arm hold on to something sturdy with the other.
A shirt that is too small is optional, however if your belly-button (or Bee Boo as my kids would call it) starts to show you just might get booted from the gym! Enjoy.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Tuesday Aug. 16/11

500m Row Sprint
Max Rep Pushups
2:00 Rest
Compare times to complete row to here: Monday July 18/11

Pushups are to the chest and nose to the floor (not belly) and full lockout at top.

Check out the post on the main page:

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

THursday Aug. 10/11

Equipment Needed:
-2x Class A Foam Pails
-1x Heavy Duffle Bag
-1x Skipping Rope
-2x Feet + 1x Heartbeat....

A. Side Planks; As Many Secs As Possible x 3/side; 30s rest b/t sides.

B. 5x
60s- Duffle Bag Clean- to alternating shoulders
60s- Foam Pail Farmer Walk- end to end in bay
60s- Skip Singles- fast skipping... as fast as you can manage
120s- Rest/cheer on your buddy

Hop the bag to one shoulder, drop to the floor and repeat but up to the opposite shoulder- how many times can you do this in the 60s? Try to maintain this # for all 5 rounds. Foam pail should be full... and skipping is a skill, if you aren't good at it then treat it as you are practicing skipping, if you are good at let it rip and see how many singles you can do- fancy footwork is OK.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Monday Aug 8/11

If you have 3 mins this video would be great to watch! The Press is all to often junk in the weight room.... yes at AFD too. Just like there is always room for improvement in our diets and sleep habits, there is definitely room for improvement in our movements! Take some time to PRACTICE the movements in your workout during your warmups, it will prime your body to be ready for the workout and also make you more efficient in the movement.... and more efficient = STRONGER, FASTER & MORE AWESOMER. (and yes I know awesomer is not a word, it is underlined in red right now, but it should be a word)

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; 7-9 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest b/t legs.

B1. Chinups; 9, 9, 9; 60s rest.
B2. Barbell Shoulder Press; AMRAP @ 65# x 3 sets; 60s rest.

C. Complete for time:
10 WallBalls
20 Situps/Crunchies
9 WallBalls
18 Situps
8 WallBalls
16 Situps
7 WallBalls
14 Situps
6 WallBalls
12 Situps
5 WallBalls
10 Situps
4 WallBalls
8 Situps
3 WallBalls
6 Situps
2 WallBalls
4 Situps
1 WallBall
2 Situps

For A- if you did the workout on Saturday July 23/11, then add 5% to the wt (5% of: your body wt.+total wt of DBs) and do for sets of 9. If you haven't done these then add wt. each set if you are able to do all 9 reps per set- if unable to do the movement then substitute weighted stationary lunges- videos to follow.

For B- Do a set of 9 pullups, rest 60s then do your set of Shoulder Press, rest 60s then repeat superset for a total of 3 rounds. If you did the workout on Sunday July 31/11 then try to make the intensity (wt.) about 5% harder and go for sets of 9- this works if you did pullups with or without assistance, just make sure it is a bit harder and you max out around 9 reps for the PU. For the Press give it a whirl to see just how many you can get each set... 10? 15? 20??

For C- Use UP TO 20# for the MedBall and up to around 10' for a target- obviously scale wt./ht. as needed. I would rather you get the lungs burning a bit on this than have you looking at the ball on the floor for 3 mins at a time thinking about the next set of 14... Situps can be crunchies too, be cautious of your back if this type of movement bothers you.... a good substitute for this would be knees to elbows like the last workout that was posted.

RFE Split Squat

DB Lunge/Split Squat variation

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Wed. Aug. 3/11

5 mins steady pace on bike/treadmill/rower/skipping rope (pick something you aren't used to)
5 Pullups (assisted if needed)
10 Pushups
15 Squats
20 KB Swings- wt. that you can do a full set of 20 each time

Some dynamic stretches - leg swings/arm circles etc.


A1. Back Extensions- SLOW tempo; 8-10 x 3 sets; 30s rest.
A2. Knees To Elbows- from pullup bar; 5-10 x 3 sets; 30s rest.

B1. Bench Press; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.
B2. External Rotator- slow; 8-10 x 3 sets; 60s rest (no rest b/t arms just after 2nd arm, use weaker one first)

C. 5x
10 Pushups
15 KB Swings- moderate wt.
20 WallBalls- up to 20# to around 10' high
60s rest

For both A and B try to maintain the same tempo with each movement- slow and steady. THis will likely drop the amount of wt. you are able to lift by a bit so expect it to be tougher than you are used to. For both the BP and Ext. Rot. increase the wt. each set if you do all 10 reps.
For C, the idea is gun it for each movement and earn your breaks- try to avoid resting during the sets, and enjoy the 60s break- light movements/walking etc.

Knees to Elbows:

External Rotator:

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Sunday July 31/11

A1. Chinups (palms facing you); 10, 10, 10; 60s rest.
A2. Goblet Squat w/ KB; 10-15 x 3 sets; 60s rest.

B. Front Plank; Max attempt x 2; 60s rest b/t attempts.

C. One Arm DB Row; 7-9 reps x 4 sets; 60s rest b/t arms.

D. Duffle Bag Ladder:
Duffle Bag Clean + Alternating Lunges

For the chinups use a wt./assistance that you can do all 10 reps, make them a bit harder for each set if using assistance. If doing all 10 reps w/ body weight or even additional wt. then see what your 10 rep max wt. is for the chinup. Front Plank... I heard someone on C shift mention they could do 4:40?? What about you? Go for it twice! One Arm DB Row- add 5% to the wt. used during the workout last Saturday.
How far can you go doing:
Clean the bag to your arms and perform 2 Reverse Lunges, drop the bag, clean the bag and do 4 lunges (2 per leg), drop, clean + 6 lunges.....
Try to get up to the 30 lunges, you can take a breath when the bag is on the ground but try to avoid dropping the wt. during a set.
If needed do 2-3 sets of 2-10 lunges.... questions, let me know!

Wt. can be this way or upside down... whatever. Just be sure the squats feel good and the wt. is challenging for you but not so heavy that you can't do at least 10 reps.

Skip forward to the 1 min mark... this is D of the workout today. The wt. doesn't need to be very heavy for this to be an awesome workout! If it feels light either go quicker or heavier. Have fun with this one!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Tuesday July 26/11

A. Shoulder Press; Build to a heavy set of 5... meaning over 3-4 sets build wt. to a point where you max out at 5 reps. Hold a 1 sec. pause at the top of each rep.

B. Side Planks; Set a timer for 60s, try to hold each side for as many secs. as possible during the min. Repeat 2x per side and take 60s rest b/t sides.

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Pushups
10 Squats
10 Pushups
10 Squats
Lap around building/200m run/250m row

Be sure to touch chest to floor on all pushup reps and get good depth on squats

Friday, 22 July 2011

Saturday July 23/11

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest b/t legs.

B1. Chinups; 5-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.
B2. Shoulder Press; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.

C1. One Arm Dumbell Row; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 30s rest.
C2. Pushups; Max reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.

D. 3-5 Rounds for time:
20 Situps
20 KB Swings- to eye level

Try to increase the intensity/resistance for each set if you are able to do all the rx'd reps. For the situps throw your hands as though you are cheating to get up and with the KB swings choose a wt. that you are able to do all 20 on at least the first set- you choose how many rounds you do b/t 3-5 rounds.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Monday July 18/11

*A1. Bench Press @ 30X1**; 5, 5, AMRAP; 60s rest.
A2. Back Extension @ 4022; 8-10 x 3; 60s rest.

B. External Rotator @ 30X1; AMRAP @ 10% of Bench Press 1RM***; 60s rest b/t arms.
- this is a test, 1 set per arm

C. 5x 30s work : 30s rest of (alternate b/t movements):
- KB Swings to eye level
- Full Situps- using arms to help you up.... even if it feels like cheating!

D. 3x
500m Row Sprint
Max Rep Pushups
2:00 rest- or whatever time it takes your partner to get off the rower

For A, in the first set choose a wt. you figure oyu can do for 10-15 reps- but only do 5! Then set #2 use a wt you figure you can do fo 8-12 reps... and only do 5. For the last set use a wt that you figure you can do 5-10 times and let 'er rip (at the right tempo) for as many reps as you can... this is a test so be sure to have a buddy ready to spot you and protect you from the last rep (that you might fail completely on).
For the BExtensions add wt each set that you do as long as oyu can do all 10 reps at tempo (4 sec. down, 0 sec pause, 2 sec. up, 2 sec pause).
B is a test too..... let's see what you got and don't be surprised if your arms differ in strength.
C is just fun core love.
D should be treated as a test too- how long does it take to go the 500m and immidiately do as many pushups as you can before taking the 2:00 rest- be sure to only count the pushups that your chest touches the floor and your elbows lock out on.

Answers to a few of your questions:
* A1, A2.... this means superset these. Do A1 movement & reps & rest then do A2 back and forth for the # of sets rx'd... easy to understand when you get the hang of it.
**what is "30X1"? It is the tempo that I want you to move the bar/weight/your body etc. it goes like this:
3- Eccentric: going WITH GRAVITY I want you to count 3 steamboats
0- Pause at end of eccentric: For BP this is on your chest... so don't hesitate before moving it back up.
X- Concentric: going AGAINST GRAVITY, this could be a # to indicate how many steamboats I want you to count, but this time I want you to eXplode up.... might feel slow at heavier wts. but the intention is key
1- Pause at end of concentric: Pause for 1 steamboat at the top of the BP before heading back to your chest with the bar.
This format will stay the same all the time and it is important, so if you are unable to maintain the rx'd tempo during your reps you need to stop your set and/or drop the wt used.

**To find your 1RM (repititions maximum/rep max) simply take the last all out set and use the wt used and reps:
(wt x reps x 0.033) + wt= 1RM
(not exact but a good enough measure)... you might want to bring your calculator/phone to the gym to figure this out!

If you do this workout then let me know your results- wt used and reps performed in A and B, time to do rows and reps performed in D.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Friday July 15/11

A. Back Squat; 4-6 reps x 4 sets; 2:00 rest.

B. 3x

8-10 Pullups; no rest

20 Alternating Lunges

90s rest

C. One Arm DB Row; 8-10 x 3 sets; 60s rest

D. Tabata: 20s work:10s rest x 8

Farmer Walk

For A and B the idea is that if you are able to do all the reps for the BS and the PU and DB Rows you will add wt. to the bar/your body. If you need assistance for the pullups then put your feet on a bench to help you up. Lunges are done for quality and speed, not wt. is required for you to add. If you have a typical timex watch the Tabata is pretty simple to set up- set your timer to repeat every 30s, on the first round start walking as quick as you can at the 20s mark, when it beeps you rest (should be 10s with a timex). Be ready (standing with wts. in hand) when the timer stops beeping so you can be walking for the whole 20s. Pick a wt. that is heavy but not crazy- pick a wt. you figure you can successfully do all 8 rounds with.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Sunday July 10/11

A. 3x
5-10 Ab roller/TRX Rollouts; no rest
60s BB Landmines
60s rest b/t rounds

B. As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 mins of:
- 10 KB Swings
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 200m Run (at 58 open the bay doors and run around the building, at 57 I figure it would work the same if you opened both sides in the gym area and ran around the longer way)

For A I will attach video of what this looks like, the BB landmines are a 45# bar just set in the hole of a heavy plate on the ground and you rotate side to side.  The key is that it is an "anti-rotation" movement- when you feel your core (on the sides) engage bring the bar back up to center with those core muscles.  This is not an arm, shoulder or lower back exercise so the focus should not be felt in these areas as much as in the oblique areas.
For B, KB swings are up to 24kg (55lb) for men and 16kg (35#) for women.  Use what works for you and go to at least a ht. that you can see under the ball when it gets up.  These should be felt in your Glute's, ham's, and quads but not lower back.  If that is where you feel it you need tweaking and we need to spend a few mins together.  Walking lunges are just with bodyweight.  If you feel as though you could increase the wt. for this workout then do more reps, don't add wt.  See how many rounds you can get in in the 20 mins... can you get 10?

The TRX Rollout- can be done kneeling or standing, try the kneeling (on a pad) first to see how it goes.  There are also wheels that you can do this with or even with a barbell on the floor.  The more horizontal you get the harder it is.

The Landmine- this guy has a contraption for the end of the bar to poke in but you can lay a 45# plate on the ground and place the bar into it on a 45deg. angle to get the same result.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Thursday July 7, 2011

A. Shoulder Press; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 90s rest b/t sets.

B. 5x
5-10 Chinups (palms toward you); 30s rest
15-20 Wall-Balls
2:00 rest

For A increase wt. each set if you can do all 10 reps- ideally the last set would be a max out at around 8-9 reps- do all 3 sets with rest b/f going on to B. For B it is the same format as a lot of stuff I will put up: do the rx'd chinups, take the 30s rest then do the WB's and take a 2:00 rest... repeat 5x. Try to do all reps unbroken- without resting b/t reps. If you end up stopping say on #16 of 20 then stop there and try to complete the whole set next round; if you do only about 10-14 then finish the reps to 20 even if you end up resting during the set. For the wt. with the WB's men use up to 20# and women up to 12#.

Picture of the "Rack Position" that the bar should be in for the Press- bar resting ON shoulders and elbows pushed forward so just in front of the bar. Press straight up so that you end up with elbows locked overhead and bar over heels- body in a straight line.
(pic snagged from

Friday, 1 July 2011

Saturday July 2, 2011

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat- be controlled with your tempo- slow down, quick up; 10-12/leg x 2 sets; 75s rest b/t legs.

- rest as needed before going on to B

B. Set a timer for 15 mins and complete as many rounds as you can of:
5 Pullups/Chinups- however you need to get your chin over the bar
10 Situps
15 Wall Balls- use up to 20lbs to roughly 10' target.  Use less wt. if you start off only doing a couple at a time- to a min. of 12lbs (for men, if women working out use max 12#)

Something to keep in mind- when it says things like 10-12, or 8-10 it is meaning reps per set.  Choose a load (might be just bodyweight to start) that you can perform a full set with, if you can do all rx'd reps with a certain wt. it is recommended that you increase the wt. for the next set..... well it's a bit more than recommended.... if you can do all reps then up the wt.  On the flip side, if you are unable to do the minimum 10 reps then decrease the load as it is too heavy for this particular workout.  For today this might mean doing Lunges instead of the split squat- either way stick to the appropriate reps and you'll get the training response we are looking for today.  I will attach some youtube vids of these movements so that there should be little to no confusion.... of course call/email me if there are questions.

The rear foot elevated split squat.
If putting your foot up is too tough for the rx'd reps.

Whichever you go with be nice to your knee!  If you need to put a towel or something under it so you don't smack it on the floor then go for it.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

June 29/11

Here's the workout for today.... with a choice!
Choice A:

A. 3x
5-10 Bar Dips (weighted if you can do min. 10 reps, with foot assistance if needed); 60s rest.
10-15 Back Extensions (slow and controlled pace, carry wt. plate accross chest for added resis.)60s rest.

B. 3-5x
10-15 KB Swings- Moderate wt.
60s sled drag forward- 90-180#
60s sled drag backward- same wt.
2:00 rest.

Choice B:

Get your workout in with the Combat Challengers that will be at the hall for 0830....

Either way, sweat lots and have fun!

New workout blog!

Here is a go at more familiar territory for me, posting the workouts up on a blog.  What you might find is that this medium makes it easier to put up demo's and links to help you with the workouts and also give room for a "forum" if you have questions or comments etc.  It also comes in handy if you are to post your results in the comments section- this way you will also be able to track your progress for easy recall down the road.  For those of you that will keep your results in the comments section it also helps me to gauge the progress of the group and keep the workouts at the right intensity/skill level for everyone.

Let me know what you think and even what types of resources oyu would like to see on this site.  It will most likely change and evolve over time and ideally those changes/evolutions would come from our input as a group and not just my thoughts on how I would like to see things.....

Even if you don't plan on doing the workouts posted here I still encourage you to keep an eye on it.  The intention is that it will be a resource for everyone on our shift/in the department, regardless of what workouts they are doing.

-also, would be cool if you guys take pics of activities (workouts, training etc.) that you would think would make for good pics on the blog posts, I will post them up if I have them!

Happy sweating!