Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Wed. Nov. 23/11

A. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X1; Build to a 1 rep max; go up in sets of 3 reps until unable to continue at 3's then do a total of 3-4 sets of 1 to find out where you are at- USE A SPOTTER!

B. @ 10% of your 1RM in A, test out max reps for each of the following movements:
- Powel Raise
- External Rotator
- Trap 3 Raise
(note # of reps per arm able to complete- this will identify if you have any specific strength imbalances that need to be addressed in your training)

C. @ 85% of 1RM in A, test out your max reps in the Bench Press- use same tempo as A. Shoot for 10+ reps but understand that this may be WAY off, some may only get a couple of reps in and that is OK- not an indicator of how strong you are, more an indicator of if you are more fast twitch or slow twitch dominant in you pressing muscles.

D. 500m Row- for time and average watts.

Beauty of this is, we should be at 57 for the morning and I will be doing this too! So, if you want to see where you are at for structural balance on these movements then be ready for some fun!
All of these are tests.... so push hard and dig deep on the row.

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