Monday, 10 October 2011

Tuesday Oct. 11/11

So, I'm assssuming those of you doing the workouts on the blog played hockey Monday and probably Wed. of this week....

For today:

A. Push Press; Build to a heavy 1 rep (heavy for you); take your time and work on keeping your core locked in for each rep. Focus on locking gut like your are going to get punched, and quick explosive drove overhead. Take about 12 mins to work up to the heavy rep(s). You should end up having 3 or 4 singles that are quite tough but doable and happy on wrists and lower back.

B. Set a timer for 20 mins:
And do pullups.

Goal is 100.

If you can do all 100 note how long it took you to complete and what your sets looked like. If you don't make 100 (and don't worry, chances are you won't be the only one), then note how many you made it through.

Thing is, if you can do pullups without assistance then don't use assistance, period. Kipping OK, if you know how. If you need assistance to do pushups regularily the ideally you will have a buddy to help you with yours by holding your feet or giving a push on the lats under the arms. Keep them tough- like not being able to do more than 5 per set at the beginning and ideally not making them easier as you go.

Have fun.

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