A. Weighted Chinup; 1 RM; rest as needed.
From dead-hang, what is the most weight you can lift 1 time? (1RM) Use a belt or DB b/t feet if needed to add wt. If you can't do even 1 pullup without assistance then work your way up to the hardest pullup attempt you can with your feet as assistance.
B. 2-3x
One Arm DB Row; 8-12 reps/arm- DB so that hand is facing beckwards (weaker arm first, keep reps/wt. the same)
Lower Ab Coordination; as many reps as you can without losing "flat Back"
60s rest
C. 2-3x
One Arm DB Row; 8-12 reps/arm- DB so that hand is facing toward your body (weaker arm first, keep reps/wt. the same)
Back Extensions; 10-15 reps (on ball or back ext. machine)
60s rest
Part 2:
Tabata Bike; 8x 20s work:10s rest (for a total of 4 mins)
http://youtu.be/FtyaPDQv0z8: If your bum is bouncing lke this guy's then up the resistance
http://youtu.be/rI8ozDimDoA: This guy has the tension right, tough but able to keep going- how happy does he look at the end?
Here is the deal, B is what the original Dr. Tabata did. It was designed for Elite Speed Skaters.... so, be ware. I am typically not the guy to put Tabata into the workouts because I think they are used in ways that they are not intended.... not to say other ways are bad, but I figure there are better ways of going about doing things if you are doing things like pushups/pullups/situps etc.
The key- set the spin bike up so that there is some resistance so that it slows you a bit during your 20s bouts. Each and every 20s bout should feel like the worst work you would want to do in the day.
Now when you are done, laying on the floor in a puddle of sweat trying to catch your breath take note of what your breathing and HR are doing. This is the intention of "Tabata" workouts, a full scale assault on your aerobic and anaerobic cardiovascular system. Repeat this every 3 days or so and you'll find the actual intended benefit of Tabata- increased anaerobic/aerobic conditioning.
For the next little while I will put a Tabata workout at the end of the workout and I want you to pay attention to what kind of demands it puts on you- not your specific muscles but on how it makes you feel as a human at the end of it. You decide what movements you feel are the most beneficial when it comes to improving your overall fitness. My thoughts: I think you would rather be stronger and more conditioned than you would want to use your current strength for conditioning..... but you be the judge.
This may lead decrease in bodyfat (one of the main reasons it is being pushed in mainstream fitness) but not directly from the workout. At least this is not what the study revealed as the benefits, so when you are tol this will help you burn fat then ask for proof.
Here is some more info on this study if you would like to read for yourself:
Link for Tabata: In Search Of The Ideal Aerobics Routine
This is the movement for the Alternating leg lower but with a few changes:
- lay right on the floor
- press low back into floor the whole time, chin in and tongue on top of your mouth
- touch floor with heels or toes
- once your back start to feel the pressure of low back reduce then stop exercise
For B:
For C:
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