Tour 1 Day 2: Workout done with gym clothes, gloves and work boots if you want.
- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
-Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
-Scorpions/Leg Crossovers
-KB Swings (~20-40)
A. Walking Lunges/Alternating Lunges (step backward if needed to reduce sheer force on knees)
Grab a set of DBs if you want and go for 3 sets of 10-30 steps, rest as other person goes.
B. Outside set up a few props:
-3 pylons about 50' apart
-1 sled with 90-135# on it at one of the outer pylons- long rope attached and strap attached
- 2 Foam pails (full, or sub 45# DB's) at same pylon as sled
B. Circuit- 3-5x
50' Sled Row
50' Sled Hand over hand pull with rope
100' Sled Drag Forward to first pylon
- rest as needed or until it's your turn
C. Front Planks; 30s work : 30s rest- repeat for as many sets as you are awesome for, once performance starts to decline or back indicates any twinge then stop while life is good.
Try to touch your hand.... its about the hip flexor/core stretch, not about actually touching hand with foot.
Leg Crossovers
This like the previous is a dynamic stretch, not an aggressive back crack... might happen but you should feel it through glutes, low back and lats.
Sled Row
Hand over hand sled pull
These workouts are put here as an option for AFD members to help improve their fitness related to FF activities. Each workout will contain a strength component (squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls etc) and finish with a conditioning component (lower skill movements done in intervals, rounds etc). The intention is to focus on building overall strength at the beginning of the workout when you are fresh and then use our strength for conditioning (as we are strength and power based athletes).
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