Sunday, 29 April 2012

Tueady May 1/12

Tour 1 Day 2: Workout done with gym clothes, gloves and work boots if you want.


- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
    -Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
    -Scorpions/Leg Crossovers
    -KB Swings (~20-40)


A.  Walking Lunges/Alternating Lunges (step backward if needed to reduce sheer force on knees)
Grab a set of DBs if you want and go for 3 sets of 10-30 steps, rest as other person goes.
B. Outside set up a few props:
-3 pylons about 50' apart
-1 sled with 90-135# on it at one of the outer pylons- long rope attached and strap attached
- 2 Foam pails (full, or sub 45# DB's) at same pylon as sled

B. Circuit- 3-5x
50' Sled Row
50' Sled Hand over hand pull with rope
100' Sled Drag Forward to first pylon

- rest as needed or until it's your turn

C. Front Planks; 30s work : 30s rest- repeat for as many sets as you are awesome for, once performance starts to decline or back indicates any twinge then stop while life is good.


Try to touch your hand.... its about the hip flexor/core stretch, not about actually touching hand with foot.

Leg Crossovers

This like the previous is a dynamic stretch, not an aggressive back crack... might happen but you should feel it through glutes, low back and lats.

Sled Row

Hand over hand sled pull

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Saturday April 28/12

Tour 1 Week 1 Workout- Done in gym clothes with FF gloves if you have a clean pair and work boots if you want.


- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
    -Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
    -Bear Crawl


A. Sumo-Deadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps (men- 100-135#/ women- 65-100#)- wt should not be terribly heavy, consider form as more important than intensity here.  (done in bay area with rubberized/rogue plates)

B. Outside set up a few props:
-3 pylons about 50' apart
-1 sled with 90-135# on it at one of the outer pylons
- 2 Foam pails (full, or sub 45# DB's) at same pylon as sled

B. Circuit- 3-5x
50' Sled Chest Press
50' Sled Drag Forward
100' Sled Drag Backward to first pylon
Pushups- do about 50% of what your max reps are
Firefighter Walk- grab foam pails and walk to first pylon and back to start (formerly known as Farmer Walk)
- rest as needed or until it's your turn

Elbows in/out whatever works for you, be sure to keep core engaged so that when you press the sled moves forward and your torso doesn't move backward.

Focus on strong steps, core strong, glutes firing for each step- this is not a sprint.

Chest up, shoulder blades back, core tight.

Core tight?  Here is an easy cue for you to remember- boys: lift your nuts, girls: kegel contraction, both: .... close rectum.... nuff said?  Get that figured and we can work out from there!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Monday April 23/12- Progress report!

Get out and vote?
All that aside I figured why not add a little craziness to the mix... after coming off the PFT course it's good to get out there and do some assessments while some info is hot off the press and I practice some fine tuning that I learned.  Not only that but last I checked we are right in the 12 week range of the "Fight Club" Challenge that started off at the end of Jan of this year!

So, you will be kept informed of what the scoop is early as to if you are being assessed today.

Being assessed- avoid caffiene/tobacco/working out prior to testing if at all possible, will alter results.  After assessment feel free to do whatever level of activity you had planned for the day.

Not being assessed, or something to do post assessment?


5mins of alternating between:
Skipping and KB Swings


5-15 of each for 2-3 sets:
Squats- BW or with KB out front in Goblet form
Alternating Lunges
Inchworms (see video)

Actual workout:
Run/Bike/Row etc
2:00 moderate-high effort
2:00 easy

The goal is to make it through the whole workout without crashing but having an obvious increase in intensity during the work portion- keep the speed/intensity the same for each interval.
Running: Note speed and incline for each 2:00 period
Rowing: Note Damper setting and distance in M
Bike: Hard to measure but use the same amount of turn on the dial for each and you'll notice if your legs slow down

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Friday April 20/12

How's the training coming for the Mayor's Race??
It's about time we sign up me thinks!
Check it out here: 

Also, here's a cool idea for any that have the time or drive:

Workout for today:
Jog/Skip/Bike etc for a good 5 mins
10-20 KB Swings- One Arm or 2 Hand
5-15 Pullups
5-15 Pushups/Dips
10-20 Alternating Lunges
10-20 Squats

Alternating with a buddy or through a group:
Drag forward 50-100'
Drag Backward 50-100'
(there and back)
On your first go do it with the sled empty, then add 25# to is for every time you do it until you feel as though your not going to be able to the next round effectively- this is to fatigue not to all out failure... BIG DIFFERENCE!
While one person goes the others wait/rest, then each takes a turn.
Wondering what to do on your break, here's an idea:
Bring out a peice of rope big enough to tie some knots in, while resting practice your:
- Bowline- tie it normal then around objects

Have fun and see you Monday!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Sunday April 15/12

A. Sumo-Deadlift; Work up to one heavy set of 5 reps- add 5-10# to last time

B. 3x Max rep chinups (palms facing you)

Start with 2-3 mins of easy pace, then
Tabata- 8x 20s work: 10s rest
You pick one of these and for that 20s bust your hump!  For the 10s try to catch your breath.
Choices: Spin Bike (mod/high resistance), Farmer Carry (heavy), Sled pulls (heavy), DB Thrusters (light to mod wt.)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Thursday April 12/12

For the runners this week:
2-3x this week get out for your run/jog. Here are what they should look like:

Run #1- Accumulate 24 mins of jogging/running- after a bit of a warm-up see if you can go 20 mins straight, then get the rest of the 4 mins in in however long you want it to take.

Run #2-
New to running: 60s jog : 60s walk- do as many sets as you can maintain a steady pace then take an extra 5:00 walk and go again. Try to accumulate a total of 20 mins of jogging/running time.
Old hat: 2 sets of 10:
30s run hard; 30s easy jog/walk
rest (walk) 5:00 after first set of 10 intevals

Run #3-
4:00 jog/run moderate-hard pace
4:00 easy jog/walk, or until rested enough to start again

Workout at work for today:

A. Back/Front/Goblet Squat; 3 sets of 5 reps- add 5# to last time

B. Bench Press; 3 sets of 5 reps- add 5# to last time, and try hand a bit closer together than normal for you

C. Set a timer for 8mins and see how many rounds you can do:
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings- heavy with 2 arms or do moderate/light alternating hands.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Saturday April 6/12

A. Back Squat; 3 sets of 5 reps- add 5-10# to last time, do front squat or Goblet squat if needed.

B. Chinups; 3x max reps

C. Run/Bike/Row/Stairs- you pick
60s work : 60s Rest
2:00 Work : 2:00 Rest
3:00 Work : 3:00 Rest
2:00 Work : 2:00 Rest
60s Work : 60s Rest

You pick your poison, the thing here being that at the end of each work cycle you want the rest cycle- so make the effort appropriate to the time duration.  It is intended that you finish this, so don't barf but work hard for you.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Wed. April 4/12

A. Deadlift; 5 reps max- use sumo stance, add 5-10 # to last time
B. 5x
Max rep pullups
100m Sprint/sled pull forward- if using sled go heavy adn fast

Monday, 2 April 2012

Running workouts: Week of April 2

Week 3 of the running workouts being put up, here is something to keep you on track:
2-3x this week:
Accumulate 22mins of running/jogging per session- total session length including walking 30+ mins (if you can do the 22 mins and keep the total tome to 30 mins they go for it).

For this you might find that this has progressed quite quickly to keep up to. If this is the case then it's fine, you need not feel discouraged.

Here's the deal, think to your last week of jogging/running- how long could you jog for at a time before you had to walk and how long total did you jog for?
If you were able to do say 60s of jogging at a time and 2:00 of walking in between and it came to 30 mins total then that is fine- work with where you are at!
Give this a whirl: add 10% per workout to the jogging and try to keep the walk interval the same- for as long as you can keep that progression.
So the next week you would be 1:06 jog; 2:00 walk x10. Your workout would increase by 1 min total- pretty achievable, right?