No rants today. Will try to keep this short and sweet (as best I can).
If you have been doing some basic strength work like was outlined in last couple of posts you might be finding yourself ready to start breathing heavy again. Summer's coming but more importantly we need to be "in shape" for our job. How do we get in shape? The approach I am going with right now:
Step 1. Get stronger. Life is easier when you are stronger.
Step 2. Use your strength to move heavier stuff for conditioning.
Step 3. Practice the skills you need to be good at what you do.
We just had a good dose of step one, now comes 2 and 3. Really, 3 should be done all the time- doesn't matter how strong or conditioned a person is, if they aren't proficient and efficient at their job or sport then they won't express that strength and conditioning very well. So for 2 and 3 we will do them together- using the demands of our job to gain conditioning and fitness.
Here is what I propose for the next phase:
Instead of a 3 day a week strength workout cardio sprinkled in where you see fit this will look like
Strength: 4 Days a week (M/T/Th/F)
Conditioning: Done up to 5 days a week, the 2 days on shift will be done in full Turnout Gear and SCBA- majority of workouts are 12 mins or less
Skill Practice: Every workout should have a skill component, in rest periods and/or at the end keeping in step with our FF survivability skills.
Mobility Work
Squat 3x5
3x Max Chins
Shoulder Press
3x5 |
Mobility Work
Deadlift 1x5
3x Max Pullups
Bench Press
3x5 |
Mobility Work
So, as always it is assumed that you are getting some workouts in when not at work- right?
You may want to choose to alter this schedule at times to fit your week more appropriately if our shift falls on certain days but the "conditioning" work will be made with it in mind that these are the days you will be doing your strangth work.
Due to the time constraints of our days at work it does tend to make it so if you are going to be in the gym or out on air you almost need to choose one or the other.... what is your priority? Let that be a helper in deciding which to choose.
You may also find it easier to get your strength work done earlier in the day and do the conditioning at a later time- for example getting in a good set of squats before work starts then going on air at workout time.... sounds crazy, I know, but it's pretty effective.
I will not lay out all the workouts here and now for the conditioning portion, these will be posted as I had done in the past- on the blog. I plan on getting this on the blog the shift before to give lots of time for people to know what the scoop is and arrange what needs to be done ahead of time to make the workouts happen.
I'm so body conscious and I was happy with your post. I've learn from them.