Our squat racks may be in transition so here is something to keep you going without needing a rack:
A. Goblet Squat; Up the rack- do sets of 3 with each wt. all the way up to where you can keep form but the next jump would cause you to start faultering form, do a total of 3 sets of 3 at this top wt. If you get up to 100# with ease then do 3 sets at 100# as many reps as you can do with excellent form.
B. Standing One Arm DB Row; work up to a 20 rep max- do a few sets at 5-10 reps building the wt up each set to get an estimate of a good wt to go for a full 20 reps. If it feels like 15 reps would be tough then give it a try and surprise yourself!
C. 5 Rounds:
12 KB Swings
12 Burpees- try to keep within 36s
90s rest
D. Got time? Stairs, run, row etc.
Not much time? Get in a good stretch! Big focus on hamstrings, hip flexors and chest.
Hand on DB rack works too, bellybutton in for each rep and spine as neutral as possible.
What is a neutral spine? If lying on the floor or standing with back to wall (butt, shoulders and head touching) when you slide your hand under your low back you should be able to fit just the meat of your hand onder your spine without any fight...... if you can slide your whole wrist under then rock hips just a bit to make the space just enough for the meat of your hand.
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