Saturday, 20 October 2012

Sunday Oct. 21/12

Get a warm-up in and a bit of a stretch.
What is a warm-up? 
- Spend around 5mins on the bike, treadmill, rower, skipping etc
- Do some dynamic stretches
- PRACTICE the movements you are going to do in the workout- just body weight, then bar, then a little wt... work your way up to your work wts.
- You can also throw in some other big movements if you feel they are helpful to get you warmed up and in a good range of motion (squats, KB swings, lunges, pullups/rows, pushups etc)
Once you feel like you've primed the pump get at it!

A. Deadlift; work up to a 5 rep max *for today keep both hands overhand today (knuckles forward) if you cannot lift what you usually do with a mixed grip you have a relative weakness in your grip strength!  Note the difference... trust me, this is something I need to work on.

B. 5x
5 Goblet Squat; ideally start with a wt that is 25% of your body wt and add each set **
10 Burpees (try to get them done in 30s)
90s rest
** the wt is too heavy if you are unable to keep your bellybutton pulled in for entire movement and/or your technique is degrading.  For burpees the goal is a burpee every 3s, sustained.  If you slow down then stop- would rather quality over quantity.

C. Cardio/core/etc
You choose what your next thing is- stairs, running, biking, core stuff etc.  A few guidelines though:
- if you are running or doing some sort of cardio deal give it a go with 30s work and 30s rest x10, that is all... just give'r snot for the work.
- if you are doing core stuff then:
  • Be exlposive- do some oblique stuff like throwing that requires coordination and explosive movement
  • Be stable- planks are good finishers but only if you are holding a good position- straight lines.  If you are sagging then you need to stop as you will be practicing poor form and your body will do that when it is required to be straight!
  • Be smart- don't annhialate, stimulate.  Work to a bit of fatigue or to a point just past what you have done previously, this is enough to keep you progressing- no ned for funny business or complete trashing of core musculature.

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