Sunday, 28 October 2012

Monday Oct. 29/12

HOOOORRRAAAAYYYY! Squat racks for all!  Make sure to thank your local B-Shifter for the work of moving and assembling these for us.

Get warmed up, this means get moving for 5-10 mins with your whole body doing lighter stuff to get blood flowing and ready for movements of workout- this means that whatever your warm-up looks like you should have some light squats (BW, Bar, Bar + a bit of wt), some light pressing and pulling and some dynamic stretching.

A. Back Squat; 3 sets of 5 reps, rest as needed
- First time?  Take a few sets to build up to a wt that you can do with perfect technique but your speed starts to slow on way up- do this wt for a total of 3 sets.
- Repeat offender?  Add 5lbs to your last wt as long as you were able to do all reps with good techinique last time.

B. 3x
-Shoulder Press; 5 reps (see blurb for back squats on how much wt to use)
-Pullups; 3x max reps (no kipping, bands or negatives- just an honest set of pulls)
Rest 2-3 mins

C. 5x
10-12 TRX/Ring/Bar Body Rows- Body straight, bellybutton in
14 Burpees (try to keep within 42 secs.)
90s rest

D. Got time?  Your choice to hit stairs, treadmill etc.  Give er snot for 15-30s and rest (active) for 3x the work time.  Keep it constant each interval and stop once you can't keep the same pace.

Be sure to leave time to stretch!

Body Row
Whatever you use for this a few points:
- feet forward = harder, backwards = easier
- no butt sag or "english" put on it to get up- this is about core strength and stability as much as pulling strength
- put feet where you will be able to touch chest to bar, you can always make it harder for next set/workout
- try for a slight pause with chest touching hands/bar etc.

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