A. 5x
5 Pullups (weighted if possible)
WallBalls- Max in 60s
Rest as needed- should feel ready for the pullups
B. As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 mins:
15 Situps
15 KB Swings
50' One Arm Farmer Walk (fast)- Use same KB as swings, use one arm for one round then switch for next round... and back and forth.
These workouts are put here as an option for AFD members to help improve their fitness related to FF activities. Each workout will contain a strength component (squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls etc) and finish with a conditioning component (lower skill movements done in intervals, rounds etc). The intention is to focus on building overall strength at the beginning of the workout when you are fresh and then use our strength for conditioning (as we are strength and power based athletes).
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Monday Nov. 28/11
A1. Sumo-deadlift; 5,5,5,5,5; 30s rest b/f going on to A2. Increase the wt. for each set to get to potentially a new 5 rep max for the last set.
A2. 10 Burpees- chest to floor; 2:00 rest.
B. AMRAP in 12 Mins (AKA 12 Minute Cindy):
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
How many rounds can you do?
If notice his hands are in an "overhand" grip, keep yours this way too. Feet are wide, knees are out wide (not caving in on way up), chest is up and you'll notice his back is not rounded out like a vertebrae is going to shoot out!
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Wed. Nov. 23/11
A. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X1; Build to a 1 rep max; go up in sets of 3 reps until unable to continue at 3's then do a total of 3-4 sets of 1 to find out where you are at- USE A SPOTTER!
B. @ 10% of your 1RM in A, test out max reps for each of the following movements:
- Powel Raise
- External Rotator
- Trap 3 Raise
(note # of reps per arm able to complete- this will identify if you have any specific strength imbalances that need to be addressed in your training)
C. @ 85% of 1RM in A, test out your max reps in the Bench Press- use same tempo as A. Shoot for 10+ reps but understand that this may be WAY off, some may only get a couple of reps in and that is OK- not an indicator of how strong you are, more an indicator of if you are more fast twitch or slow twitch dominant in you pressing muscles.
D. 500m Row- for time and average watts.
Beauty of this is, we should be at 57 for the morning and I will be doing this too! So, if you want to see where you are at for structural balance on these movements then be ready for some fun!
All of these are tests.... so push hard and dig deep on the row.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Sunday Nov. 20/11
Ooops..... missed the blog post last shift! Hope you figured something out to get movin'.
Rumor has it that it's hit or miss having people in the gym at work- what?! Come on people, this is one of the few things that tends to be static while on shift. If it is because you need some direction on where to go with things then by all means let myself or one of the PFT's know and we'll do what we can for you.
Speaking of PFT's, we will be doing your fitness testing in the next few weeks (hopefully) so have your gym gear with you- I will try to give as much notice as possible.
Workout for today:
A1. Back Squat; 5,5,5,5,5; 30s rest b/f A2. (Should increase wt. each set until finding a 5 rep max)
A2. Knees To Elbows; 5-10 per set, as high as possible; 90s rest b/f going back to A1.
B. 5 Rounds:
10 Pullups
15 KB Swings
20 Walking Lunges- add DBs to your hands if this is too easy... but would rather a smooth fast set than drawn out and struggling to get reps with DBs.
C. Got some time? Get limber and spend some good time getting stretched out. Here is a video of a good stretch to finish off the day:
Mobility WOD- Follow this for a while and flexibility issues will be a thing of the past!
Rumor has it that it's hit or miss having people in the gym at work- what?! Come on people, this is one of the few things that tends to be static while on shift. If it is because you need some direction on where to go with things then by all means let myself or one of the PFT's know and we'll do what we can for you.
Speaking of PFT's, we will be doing your fitness testing in the next few weeks (hopefully) so have your gym gear with you- I will try to give as much notice as possible.
Workout for today:
A1. Back Squat; 5,5,5,5,5; 30s rest b/f A2. (Should increase wt. each set until finding a 5 rep max)
A2. Knees To Elbows; 5-10 per set, as high as possible; 90s rest b/f going back to A1.
B. 5 Rounds:
10 Pullups
15 KB Swings
20 Walking Lunges- add DBs to your hands if this is too easy... but would rather a smooth fast set than drawn out and struggling to get reps with DBs.
C. Got some time? Get limber and spend some good time getting stretched out. Here is a video of a good stretch to finish off the day:
Mobility WOD- Follow this for a while and flexibility issues will be a thing of the past!
Friday, 11 November 2011
5-7 Sets (1 set = 5 rounds through the list below). 1 round is:
- 1 Deadlift
- 1 Power Clean
- 1 Front Squat
- 1 Press/Push Press
- 1 Back Squat
- 1 Push Press (from back)
The idea is to complete 5 full rounds of this sequence before letting go of the bar and resting......
So from start to finish you will DL the bar (stand up), quickly touch the floor and hop it up to your shoulders, do a squat with it there, hop it up over head to locked arms, drop carefully onto back of shoulders (like doing a regular back squat position), do a full squat, hop it up to locked arms overhead..... that is one round. Go directly into round 2 and complete the same rotation to a total of 5 rounds b/f letting go of the bar. Rest as needed b/t sets, shoot for roughly 2:00 or however long it took to complete all rounds of that set.
For each set of 5 you are encouraged to increase the wt. (this is to be done b/f the set begins and kept the same through the entire set). Ideally you will increase the wt. for each set until you get to a point where you cannot increase the wt/cannot finish all rx'd rounds for that set.
Here is a video of "the Bear" complex, similar in nature but without the initial DL.
Have fun and let me know if you have questions!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Monday Nov. 7/11
...Looks like I missed a day! Hope you picked up Dylan's WOD fromt the other day, looked like a fun one.
A. Shoulder Press; 5,5,5,5,5; 90s rest b/t sets.
B. 5x
500m Row- Hard
Max Rep Pushups- Fast; Chest and Mustache must touch floor (if you're like me then nose is fine too)
2:00 rest.
C. High Knee Negatives; 2-3 sets as many reps as possible; rest as needed b/t sets.
- For these you will hang from the pullup bar, jump or raise feet up so that knees get up high on body (as high as you can) and slowly let feet to floor- try to take up to 5 secs to lower to floor (5 one thousands, not 12345). Resist gravity with your core- you will probably feel this right through the front of your body. You will know when the set is done. There shouldn't be any pain in armpits, neck etc. Just work/fatigue soreness through the muscles resisting on way down.
D. Finish off with a good stretch, spend some time on your front on the floor propped up on elbows.... get those core muscles back to a normal length.
Shoulder Press Instructional:
Hanging Knee Raise:
If you can do these with arms bent then go for it, although you can do with arms straight- just make sure if you have shoulder issues that you are careful with this as it can cause discomfort/injury if shoulder strength is not enough to hang with a bit of movement.
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