Little OT workout anyone??
A. Squat- 3 sets of 5 reps (add 5-10# to last time), or Deadlift if in 89st- work up to a heavy set of 5 (add 5-10# to last time)
B. 3-6x- With full PPE on, air optional.
10 Bent Over BB Rows
100' Sled Drag Forward
100' Farmer Carry- minimum foam pails (50' out and back so you end up at sled)
100' Sled Drag Backward
20 Sledge Hammer on Tire- alternating hands
Set your weights and pace such that you are able to complete this within 40-60s. The idea here is that you will be resting for 2-5x the time it took you to work, so line up and only one person working at a time. If you are resting you can be encouraging your partner!
Today we are workin our Anaerobic-Lactic system- this tends to be a dominant energy system in our profession as we have a lot of hard work intervals mixed in with down time or less work periods- think about when you pull up on scene:
- Pull line and tools, rest while waiting for line to be charged and get ready to enter
- hump hose through hallway, rest while partner does search.... repeat.
- Pull ceiling and move furniture for a few mins, take a breather when needed
The deal here is that we are TRAINING the system while working out today. So that means that we will work for 40-60s of hard effort then rest for 1:20-5:00 depending on your time and recovery needs.
- While doing this aim to be finished in 40s (this may not be possible but if you are above 60s the loads or distances are too much for you for today)
- Time yourself EVERY TIME, this is important!
- Note when you decline in performance (>10%)- lets say you are 45s each set and consistent, then on one you are 47s (+2s) and then the next you are 51s (+5s/10% from original time) THAT WAS YOUR LAST REP/SET!
We are trying to train, not test our system. Stopping at this point of decline indicates that your body has taken enough of a stimulus to promote change. To keep going from here is a request to overtrain or get possibly injured ( maybe not in the workout but possibly later on) because your ability to repair/heal/supercompensate will be hampered or overly taxed.
Remember: "Every rep has a cost, but every rep does not have a benefit."
These workouts are put here as an option for AFD members to help improve their fitness related to FF activities. Each workout will contain a strength component (squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls etc) and finish with a conditioning component (lower skill movements done in intervals, rounds etc). The intention is to focus on building overall strength at the beginning of the workout when you are fresh and then use our strength for conditioning (as we are strength and power based athletes).
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