Saturday, 25 August 2012

Sunday Aug 26/12

Treadmill WFI Protocol- not sure how to do this then check your email!

A. Squat- front or back; 3 sets of 5 reps- add 5-10lbs to last time.

B. Shoulder Press; 3 sets of 5 reps.

C. 2-3 sets of:
Set a timer for 60s
Every time the beeper goes do a forward sled pull (sprint) for approx. 50-100m.  The weight should be set at a point where you are able to make the distance at full speed in around 10s.
So, do a total of 4-6 sprints per set then rest 5:00 before doing another set of 4-6 sprints.

**TIME AND SPEED ARE KEY**  Lets say you do 4 sprints in 9s and on #5 it takes you 11s then you need to stop that set.  Period.  Take your 5 min rest and then restart.
Once your body is unable to recover in time for the next rep (ie an increase in time of 2s on the final rep) that tells you that your energy system has been challenged to a point that you have trained it to a new level (what we want).  What should happen after your 5min rest is that you are able to do about the same # of sprints before your performance starts to drop- when it drops you need to stop the set and rest!  We are training our ATP/CP system, not testing it- big difference.  When we work to this slight drop in performance and then allow our bodies to recover between workouts we will come back stronger/faster.  If we do not pay attention to signs of fatigue and appropriate training response we decrease our ability to recover effectively and set ourselves up for more risks of detraining, poor subsequent performances and especially injury...... Think of it this way, we are not merely exercising we are training our bodies to be better- big difference.

So, do you have the right weight on sled?
couple scenarios to help out:
After 6 sprints you are getting a bit faster and are able to keep speed for whole workout:  Cool, now you can add about 5% to the sled next time to add challenge.  YOu have had a positive training response due to your effort level.

On sprint # 6 of each set you decline a bit and end up adding about 1s to your time- perfect weight on sled for you for today.  NExt time keep same wt on sled and see if you can make it through all sprints at faster speed- as long as you improve on one sprint time you have achieved your goal of getting stronger/faster.

On the first set you go and it takes 20s to do sled pull and it feels slow... too much weight.  Back it off more than your honor feels necessary and complete workout so that you are fast for each and every sprint.

On the first set you get 4 sprints before you decline and they were in the 10s and under range that is OK, take you 5min rest and go for set # 2.  If you cannot do a minimum of 4 sprints then stop sprint work all together.  Cool down and consider putting a little less wt on the sled for next time (10-20%).  Next time.... kick the @^#$ out of it.


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