Sunday, 13 May 2012

Here we go again, hopefully the weather holds up!!
The idea for this week would be that A be done in the gym and B (the circuit) be done outside on air.  Main thing here is that if needed you can alter the workout to suit your situation but ideally it would look like:
A- Big lift (squat/DL/bench etc)
B- Circuit on air with full PPE- not intended to be a race just have some harder stations linked together with some lower level work that will work as a rest period.

Be sure to HYDRATE.  Note how much sweat you get rid of during workout..... you should drink enough fluids after that you get to the point of needing to pee a few times before lunch to get caught up!


- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
    -Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
    -Bear Crawl


A. Sumo-Deadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps (men- 100-135#/ women- 65-100#)- wt should not be terribly heavy, consider form as more important than intensity here.  (add what you can to last time, if following along these wts should be too light already)

B. Outside set up a few props:
-3 pylons about 50' apart
-1 sled with 90-135# on it at one of the outer pylons
- 2 Foam pails (full, or sub 45# DB's) at same pylon as sled

B. Circuit- 3-5x
50' Sled Chest Press
50' Sled Drag Forward
100' Sled Drag Backward to first pylon
Pushups- do about 50% of what your max reps are
Firefighter Walk- grab foam pails and walk to first pylon and back to start (formerly known as Farmer Walk)
- rest as needed or until it's your turn

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