Part One- In Gym
A. SumoDeadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps- add 5-10# to last time and make the same or more reps
(shoot for one or both because either will indicate progress- more wt and same reps, same wt and more reps.... or more wt and more reps!)
B. Dumbell Rows; 2-3 sets with moderately heavy DB- first sets 5-10 reps, last set as many as possible (can you get 25 reps?? If you got the 25 reps last time up the wt. by 5-10#)
Part 2- In bay or outside (with as much PPE as you want to tolerate, including BA)
C. Set a timer for 10 mins and repeat as many times as you can:
10-20 KB Swings
Duck Walk- as far as you can** make sure your knees/back are happy with these!
50-100ft Farmer Carry- foam pails at minimum wt. and be sure to stand tall, nuts up, belly button in!
Duck Walk
These workouts are put here as an option for AFD members to help improve their fitness related to FF activities. Each workout will contain a strength component (squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls etc) and finish with a conditioning component (lower skill movements done in intervals, rounds etc). The intention is to focus on building overall strength at the beginning of the workout when you are fresh and then use our strength for conditioning (as we are strength and power based athletes).
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Friday May 25/12
Part 1 Done in gym:
A. Back Squat; 5-15 reps x 3 sets- use b/t 95-150# for this movement, only what you are sure you can do with good form.... be a good buddy and let your partner know how he/she is doing.
B. Chinups; Max reps x 3 sets; if needed use your feet for assistance if unable to do more than 5 reps.
Part 2 Done in bay/outside and with full PPE:
C. Firefighter Carry for distance (25-100ft) Rotate between being the victim and the rescuer for as many attempts as is realistic for you. You can choose to use the technique in the video.... however I wonder how realistic it would be without the victims assistance....
Firefighter Carry
D. Finish off with some good ol pushups- 3 sets of max reps. How much do you drop off with each set??
FF Carry:
Monday, 21 May 2012
Tuesay May 22/12
Another shift... another sweet workout!
Part One- In Gym
A. SumoDeadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps- add 5-10# to last time and make the same or more reps
(shoot for one or both because either will indicate progress- more wt and same reps, same wt and more reps.... or more wt and more reps!)
B. Dumbell Rows; 2-3 sets with moderately heavy DB- first sets 5-10 reps, last set as many as possible (can you get 25 reps??)
Part 2- In bay or outside (gloves on at least)
C. Set a timer for 10 mins and repeat as many times as you can:
10-20 KB Swings
10-20 Pushups
50-100ft Farmer Carry- foam pails at minimum wt. and be sure to stand tall, nuts up, belly button in!
Part One- In Gym
A. SumoDeadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps- add 5-10# to last time and make the same or more reps
(shoot for one or both because either will indicate progress- more wt and same reps, same wt and more reps.... or more wt and more reps!)
B. Dumbell Rows; 2-3 sets with moderately heavy DB- first sets 5-10 reps, last set as many as possible (can you get 25 reps??)
Part 2- In bay or outside (gloves on at least)
C. Set a timer for 10 mins and repeat as many times as you can:
10-20 KB Swings
10-20 Pushups
50-100ft Farmer Carry- foam pails at minimum wt. and be sure to stand tall, nuts up, belly button in!
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Thursday May 17/12
Didn't think I would forget about you, did ya?
(not yet anyway!)
Part 1 Done in gym:
A. Back Squat; 5-15 reps x 3 sets- use b/t 95-150# for this movement, only what you are sure you can do with good form.... be a good buddy and let your partner know how he/she is doing.
B. Chinups; Max reps x 3 sets; if needed use your feet for assistance if unable to do more than 5 reps.
Part 2 Done in bay/outside and with full PPE:
3-5x through the following circuit (or until Low Air alarm if on air), not rushed- just keep moving and focusing on good movement.
- Barbell Landmine Push Press 5-15 per arm with 10-25# on bar (see video)
- 10-20 KB Swings
- Pushups- Same # as last week (around 50% of max reps without gear)
- One Arm Firefighter Walk with foam pail- 50-100 ft there and back switch hands when turning around
If you do this on air: when bottle runs down to low air stop and focus on breathing control, see how long it takes for you to get yourself under control then call it a day.
Be sure to keep the core tight, boys lifted, belly button in and short spurts of air out on the punch- like a boxer.
At no time should your back bother you or your shoulder twinge, if it does the wt is too much or you need help with your technique.
The end of the bar on the floor can sit in the hole of a 45# rubber plate laying on floor- this should be enough for the bar to stay in one place. the other option would be to back the bar into a corner of the wall, be careful not to wreck the wall or the bar though!
(not yet anyway!)
Part 1 Done in gym:
A. Back Squat; 5-15 reps x 3 sets- use b/t 95-150# for this movement, only what you are sure you can do with good form.... be a good buddy and let your partner know how he/she is doing.
B. Chinups; Max reps x 3 sets; if needed use your feet for assistance if unable to do more than 5 reps.
Part 2 Done in bay/outside and with full PPE:
3-5x through the following circuit (or until Low Air alarm if on air), not rushed- just keep moving and focusing on good movement.
- Barbell Landmine Push Press 5-15 per arm with 10-25# on bar (see video)
- 10-20 KB Swings
- Pushups- Same # as last week (around 50% of max reps without gear)
- One Arm Firefighter Walk with foam pail- 50-100 ft there and back switch hands when turning around
If you do this on air: when bottle runs down to low air stop and focus on breathing control, see how long it takes for you to get yourself under control then call it a day.
Be sure to keep the core tight, boys lifted, belly button in and short spurts of air out on the punch- like a boxer.
At no time should your back bother you or your shoulder twinge, if it does the wt is too much or you need help with your technique.
The end of the bar on the floor can sit in the hole of a 45# rubber plate laying on floor- this should be enough for the bar to stay in one place. the other option would be to back the bar into a corner of the wall, be careful not to wreck the wall or the bar though!
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Here we go again, hopefully the weather holds up!!
The idea for this week would be that A be done in the gym and B (the circuit) be done outside on air. Main thing here is that if needed you can alter the workout to suit your situation but ideally it would look like:
A- Big lift (squat/DL/bench etc)
B- Circuit on air with full PPE- not intended to be a race just have some harder stations linked together with some lower level work that will work as a rest period.
Be sure to HYDRATE. Note how much sweat you get rid of during workout..... you should drink enough fluids after that you get to the point of needing to pee a few times before lunch to get caught up!
- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
-Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
-Bear Crawl
A. Sumo-Deadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps (men- 100-135#/ women- 65-100#)- wt should not be terribly heavy, consider form as more important than intensity here. (add what you can to last time, if following along these wts should be too light already)
B. Outside set up a few props:
-3 pylons about 50' apart
-1 sled with 90-135# on it at one of the outer pylons
- 2 Foam pails (full, or sub 45# DB's) at same pylon as sled
B. Circuit- 3-5x
50' Sled Chest Press
50' Sled Drag Forward
100' Sled Drag Backward to first pylon
Pushups- do about 50% of what your max reps are
Firefighter Walk- grab foam pails and walk to first pylon and back to start (formerly known as Farmer Walk)
- rest as needed or until it's your turn
The idea for this week would be that A be done in the gym and B (the circuit) be done outside on air. Main thing here is that if needed you can alter the workout to suit your situation but ideally it would look like:
A- Big lift (squat/DL/bench etc)
B- Circuit on air with full PPE- not intended to be a race just have some harder stations linked together with some lower level work that will work as a rest period.
Be sure to HYDRATE. Note how much sweat you get rid of during workout..... you should drink enough fluids after that you get to the point of needing to pee a few times before lunch to get caught up!
- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
-Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
-Bear Crawl
A. Sumo-Deadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps (men- 100-135#/ women- 65-100#)- wt should not be terribly heavy, consider form as more important than intensity here. (add what you can to last time, if following along these wts should be too light already)
B. Outside set up a few props:
-3 pylons about 50' apart
-1 sled with 90-135# on it at one of the outer pylons
- 2 Foam pails (full, or sub 45# DB's) at same pylon as sled
B. Circuit- 3-5x
50' Sled Chest Press
50' Sled Drag Forward
100' Sled Drag Backward to first pylon
Pushups- do about 50% of what your max reps are
Firefighter Walk- grab foam pails and walk to first pylon and back to start (formerly known as Farmer Walk)
- rest as needed or until it's your turn
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Quick and Dirty!
Not much time for workouts it seems today, so....
A. Sumo-Deadlift; Work up to one to two heavy sets of 5 reps (increase by 5-10# if you know your last #)
B. 5x
20s Max Rep Air Squats
Max Rep Pushups- to fatigue each time
Rest as little or as much as you want/have time for
A. Sumo-Deadlift; Work up to one to two heavy sets of 5 reps (increase by 5-10# if you know your last #)
B. 5x
20s Max Rep Air Squats
Max Rep Pushups- to fatigue each time
Rest as little or as much as you want/have time for
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Sunday May 6/12
Change-up! Can't gaurantee the weather these days so all can be done indoors.
** 89 Station: We will be doing the Body Comp and Treadmill protocols today to carry on as I am trying to make my way through the shift. Try to avoid the coffee/tobacco etc. And hopefully we can get this done early on so that your workout doesn't affect any results.
Tour 2 Day 1 Workout- Warmup and Part A done in gym with regular gym gear, B done in bay/outside in full bunker gear- SCBA/on air optional
- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
-Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
-Bear Crawl
Part A:
A. Sumo-Deadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps (men- 100-135#/ women- 65-100#)- wt should not be terribly heavy, consider form as more important than intensity here. If you are/were able to do the full 15 reps at the wt used last week add 5-10%, if you were unable to do all 15 reps keep wt the same and work to improve # of reps from last tour.
B. 3x Max Rep Chinups- Palms toward you.
Part B:
3-5x through the following circuit (or until Low Air alarm if on air), not rushed- just keep moving and focusing on good movement.
- Barbell Landmine Push Press 5-15 per arm with 10-25# on bar (see video)
- 10-20 KB Swings
- Pushups- Same # as last week (around 50% of max reps without gear)
- Firefighter Walk with foam pails- 50-100 ft there and back
If you do this on air: when bottle runs down to low air stop and focus on breathing control, see how long it takes for you to get yourself under control then call it a day.
Landmine Push Press
Be sure to keep the core tight, boys lifted and short spurts of air out on the punch- like a boxer.
At no time should your back bother you or your shoulder twinge, if it does the wt is too much or you need help with your technique.
The end of the bar on the floor can sit in the hole of a 45# rubber plate laying on floor- this should be enough for the bar to stay in one place. the other option would be to back the bar into a corner of the wall, be careful not to wreck the wall or the bar though!
** 89 Station: We will be doing the Body Comp and Treadmill protocols today to carry on as I am trying to make my way through the shift. Try to avoid the coffee/tobacco etc. And hopefully we can get this done early on so that your workout doesn't affect any results.
Tour 2 Day 1 Workout- Warmup and Part A done in gym with regular gym gear, B done in bay/outside in full bunker gear- SCBA/on air optional
- 3:00 on treadmill or stairs at moderate pace (if on treadmill incline 4-6 and brisk walk)
- Dynamic Warm-up-
-Arm circles/leg swings/upper body twists
-Bear Crawl
Part A:
A. Sumo-Deadlift; 3 sets of 5-15 reps (men- 100-135#/ women- 65-100#)- wt should not be terribly heavy, consider form as more important than intensity here. If you are/were able to do the full 15 reps at the wt used last week add 5-10%, if you were unable to do all 15 reps keep wt the same and work to improve # of reps from last tour.
B. 3x Max Rep Chinups- Palms toward you.
Part B:
3-5x through the following circuit (or until Low Air alarm if on air), not rushed- just keep moving and focusing on good movement.
- Barbell Landmine Push Press 5-15 per arm with 10-25# on bar (see video)
- 10-20 KB Swings
- Pushups- Same # as last week (around 50% of max reps without gear)
- Firefighter Walk with foam pails- 50-100 ft there and back
If you do this on air: when bottle runs down to low air stop and focus on breathing control, see how long it takes for you to get yourself under control then call it a day.
Landmine Push Press
Be sure to keep the core tight, boys lifted and short spurts of air out on the punch- like a boxer.
At no time should your back bother you or your shoulder twinge, if it does the wt is too much or you need help with your technique.
The end of the bar on the floor can sit in the hole of a 45# rubber plate laying on floor- this should be enough for the bar to stay in one place. the other option would be to back the bar into a corner of the wall, be careful not to wreck the wall or the bar though!
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