I would like to take a minute to outline what I'd like it to look like- to make sure you know what I'm up to and also to give you as much prep time as possible for each step along the way. Obviousy we aork in an environment where we have to be a bit flexible in our scheduling so this schedule will be flexible and possibly altered to fit the ebbs and flows the year will throw at us.
In a nutshell here it is:
Jan 2013
- Finish WFI assessments for 2012
- CFD Assessments
- Get out to each member of our shift and use simple movement
screens to identify any areas of immediate need
- Assess base levels of strength (will elaborate in another
Apr 2013
- Assess Body Fat % and VO2 using WFI treadmill protocol
- Re-do movement screens to ensure progress and perform new
ones to those that have progressed
- Assess Max Strength in basic lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press)
Jul 2013
- Assess Body Fat % and VO2 using WFI treadmill protocol
- Re-do movement screens to ensure progress and perform new
ones to those that have progressed
- Assess muscle endurance and strength relative to bodyweight in
a firefighter specific format (will elaborate later)
Oct 2013
- Full WFI Protocol assessment
- Re-do movement screens to ensure progress and perform new
ones to those that have progressed
Jan 2014
- Assess Body Fat % and VO2 using WFI treadmill protocol
- Re-do movement screens to ensure progress and perform new
ones to those that have progressed
- Assess Max Strength in basic lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press)
All steps along the way are completely voluntary. However, participation may look like a daunting task right now but will you will probably find the timelines (approx 12 weeks each) to be good for benchmarking yourself and continually moving toward improved firefighter fitness.
You will notice that the format is:
Annually- Full WFI Protocol, FF Specific Strength and Muscle Endurance assessment (6months apart from WFI)
Semi-Annually- Max Strength assessed
Quarterly- Body composition and VO2 max assessed
As we go through the year I may find that there is a better way to go about this but for right now my aim is to complete these as close to the schedule as possible and then revise for 2014 if needed.
This is quite brief I know. I will be putting out info on this process and how to prepare for it on an ongoing basis in bite sized peices. For now what I would like from you is questions and comments. Let me know what you think, what your concerns are and what you are looking forward to!
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