Sunday, 8 July 2012

Monday July 9/12

'bout time I get back at this!

A. Front Squats- use a barbell or DB's, whatever works for you; Get the heaviest weight you can up to your shoulders and then give'r for a set of max reps- x 3 sets.
- reps should be controlled on way down and come back up with force.  If you can see if you can make 20 reps per set..... Once you put the weight down hit the deck and do a max set of pushups, full, chest to floor each rep.
Rest 60-90s between sets.

B. Side Planks; max time x 2-3 sets per side, rest 1/2 as long as work sets- be sure to do your weaker side first and match the time with other side.

C. Spend 10-15 mins (total) practicing these, rotating through:
- Single Leg DB touches (see video)
- One Arm KB Swings (alternating every rep or every so many)
- Skipping rope (fancy footwork?)

You decide the # of reps you do for each and wt. used.  Idea is be smooth and balanced without rushing through, your HR will likely stay up for the duration but should not feel forced.

Watch the whole thing but at about 1:25 he gets to the part where he touches the bottle, this is the idea but use a DB or whatever you want on the floor as a target.  The higher and closer the target the easir it is, the lower and farther away the harder.... work your way into it and don't get too ambitious.  If you go the whole time without failing then it is good, if you get to the end and fail in the last round or so to get the target then theat is good too.  Remember it is practice, not a test!

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