Sunday, 22 January 2012

Monday Jan. 23/12


A. Squat; 3 sets of 5 reps- after warming up choose 1 wt. and stick with it for all 3 sets, should be a bit tough but achievable for today. Can use Goblet squat, front squat etc. but Back squat is ideal.

B. Shoulder Press; 3 sets of 5 reps- same gig as above but only options are barbell (ideal) or dumbells.

C1. Lower Abs- Alternating leg lower; 3 sets for as long as you have quality movement- lay on back and put hand under low back (below bellybutton), crush hand with lower back while alternating raising your legs with knees bent at 90 deg. Once you feel the pressure lessen on your hands stop the set.... this will most likely happen pretty quick.

C2. While resting low abs:
Bar dips- 10-15 reps- use assistance or weight in order to make 10-15 reps a good burn.

D. KB Swings- As many sets as you can keep the pace and form of:
10 KB Swings; 10s rest
you choose the weight and don't change it once you start.

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