It’s shift 1 of the fitness challenge and like I said before I will be focusing more on food than workouts on the blog for a bit.... so here we go.
Best rule of thumb that I can think of is- It’s QUALITY not QUANTITY that should be the main concern. What I’ve found in my clients and in reading up on the topic is that when you base it around good quality* foods it is hard to eat too much (calorie wise) and you end up with loads of vitamins and minerals to help with the de-tox effect of burning extra fat.
As far as quantity goes, well there are a few peices that I will throw out there off the hop because they are pretty good accross the board for ppl working out looking to get better at stuff while dropping some fat:
Protein- Strive for 1g of Prot. per POUND OF CURRENT BODY WEIGHT a day. Do it.... Do it. This, I feel should be the priority for your meals. (One ounce of meat has about 7g of protein.
Carbs- Try to keep the carbs to say 50-150g a day, and primarily veggies. Doesn’t sound like much does it? Well I tell ya what, try and see if you can eat that much from just veggies in conjunction with eating your rx of protein for the day. If you are not interested in losing fat then let me know and we can tweak this for you.
Fat- a bit. No need to eat the costco tub of almonds each week, that just won’t work. Keep in moderation and don’t be scared of it.
* What do I mean by Qaulity?
I’m sure you can guess, but here is the reader’s digest version:
- The closer it is to picked or shot the better.
For protein sources typically if it had a face or was intended to (eggs) then it’s good to go- it will have complete protein sources with all the necessary amino acids that we need (that cannot be said for most if not all veggie sources). If losing body fat is one of your goals then I would also lose the protein powders, at least for a bit. I have tried this with ppl from time to time and it still isn’t as effective as good ol’ meat to get the trick done.
For your carb sources, if there is an ingredients list on it and it has more than 1 ingredient... ditch it. Processed foods carry many extra ingredients in them that typically are not great for us and are low in nutrient content. Also with the carb situation that even if there is only one ingredient in it (such as wheat flour, corn starch etc.) and it has been processed down and further increases the insulin effect on your body (not desirable when losing BF).
Fat should be “sprinkled”. At the end of the day calories do count for a bit but the main concern is getting good fats, in as much of a balance as possible. I like to think of it like this- If it is something like ground beef or a fatty peice of meat then don’t add fat to the meal, but if there is only really lean meat sources like chicken breast then why not add a bit of fat to the salad or nuts on the side?
Eat when you are hungry. This can be taken off track pretty easy but the thing is when you eat stick to having a meal and whenever that is have all three- Protein Fat and Carbs. We don’t need to eat 6 times a day, seriously. 3-4 good size meals are fine and typically serve life better as we aren’t in the kitchen as often.
I know this approach might be contrary to what some would want to hear but the reality is is that there are lots and lots of people improving their lives on account of this type of diet everywhere, I hope you will give it a shot and see how you do.
So, here’s the challenge for you. I want you to try this for AT LEAST the first 30 days of the challenge:
Eat meat (lots), veggies (lots), nuts and seeds ( a bit), a bit of fruit (the less the better)
Avoid like the plague: Grains (wheat, rice etc), Dairy (all types), and legumes (beans, soy, peanuts etc.)
This should do for now and get me a bunch of questions rolling. If this sounds like something that will kill you from the saturated fat I encourage you to go get your doc to do some tests right away so that you can compare afterward to see for yourself that this will help you move your markers in the right direction..... actually, even if you don’t care it would be good to do it anyway- it would be interesting to see, don’t you think?
Each shift I will putting more info up to deepen this conversation. If there is a particular area that you feel you want extra focus on then let me know and we’ll see what we can do.
I will also stop puttin g a workout up, but here is one to get you rolling:
A. Back Squat; Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps, then repeat this wt. for 2 more sets of 5. (can be goblet squats instead)
B. Chinups- 3x max reps (use assistance if unable to get at least 10 reps on first set, foot/feet on bench is preferred over using bands)
C. Practice the deadlift; work up to one heavy set of 5 reps (while keeping good form and happy back)
D. Get a good stretch, trouble areas first.