Thursday, 29 December 2011

If you have done this already then here is something to keep you sweaty:

A. Back Squat; 5,5,5- use a wt. that is relatively challenging but you are able to complete all reps with super-duper form. Control yourself on the way down then pop yourself back up for each rep.

B. Chinups; 3x Max reps- these should be only strict reps, if unable to do say 5+ reps then do all 3 sets with 1-2 feet on a bench (so that you max out around 10-15 reps). Whatever the assistance is, be sure to keep it the same throughout the 3 sets. THis means you will do less reps per subsequent set and that's OK. DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF MORE ASSISTANCE AS YOU GO TO GET MORE REPS, there is no need for this as it promotes overtraining and can prevent you from doing chinups in a couple days when you need to get back on the bar again- soreness that keeps you away from the gym for a week is bad for business!

C. Swiss Ball Side Bends- 1 set to fatigue for each side- note # of reps per side. Do you have a tendency to curl forward or back? make note then keep it straight.

D. Swiss Ball Crunches- 1 set for max reps, however is most comfortable for you

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Thursday Dec. 22/11

Testing Day!
I will be trying to get as many Fitness Tests done as possible today and Dec. 30th.... Be ready for some pinchin'!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Saturday Dec. 17/11

A. 3-5x
5 Pullups (weighted if possible- try to build on the last time we did these)
10 Push Press- weight should not be too heavy, able to do all reps without complication, suggested is up to115#, but add 5-10% to last time.
2:00 rest

-total 5:00 rest

B. 3x
8-10 Bent over Barbell Rows (moderately heavy); no rest
90s Bike Sprint
90s rest

-total 5:00 rest

C. 3x

8-10 Goblet Squats (mod. heavy); no rest
2:00 Row/Run/Bike for distance
2:00 rest

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Wed. Dec. 14/11

A1. Sumo-Deadlift; 5,5,5; add 5-10# to last time; 30s rest
A2. 15 Burpees- chest to floor; 2:00 rest

B. 5x
2 Broad Jumps- for distance and/or height
20 KB Swings- to eye level
50' Farmer walk (25' there and back) with foam pails or heavier- walk quick and avoid failure
rest as needed- be fresh for each set so that you can hit it hard each time.

C. 5-10 mins on rower/treadmill/bike at 60-75% effort- get sweaty but don't kill yourself

If you need video of these movements then scroll back over the past few workouts and you should find what you need.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Friday Dec. 9/11

A. 3-5x
5 Pullups (weighted if possible- try to build on the last time we did these)
10 Push Press- weight should not be too heavy, able to do all reps without complication, suggested is up to 95#
2:00 rest.

B. 6-10x:
2-3 clapping/explosive fast pushups every 60s- stop once your speed/recovery starts to decline

C. 3-5x
10 KB Swings to eye level; 60s rest -should be moderately heavy but terrible- up to 55#
10 Wall Balls; 60s rest - should be a weight you can do a steady set right through, ideally up to 20# and a 10' target.
If you feel awesome right through then great, if you feel yourself powering out/slowing down/needing to decrease the wt. then finish that round and call it a day.

Push Press:

Explosive Pushup:

Monday, 5 December 2011

Tuesday Dec. 6/11

A. Back Squat; 5,5,5; rest as needed (2-3mins?) (shoot to add 5-10# from last time you did these)
All 3 sets should be tough with the last one being right around your previous 5RM, beating it by a few #'s would be good...

B. 6-10x
Every 60s perform 2 Broad Jumps quickly for max distance...
so on the min you jump 2x then rest until the min is up. (be sure to have good footwear and be in a dry area to avoid a catastrophic slip potential!) Also, if your distance starts to lessen/are unable to recover in time for subsequent round then stop these and move on acter that set.

C. 5x
8-10 Bar Dips (Bench Dips or Pushups if needed)
30s Max rep Switch Lunges (or alternating lunges)
2:30 Rest

For the Dips start out at bodyweight and add 10# per set AS LONG AS YOU CAN DO ALL 10 REPS QUICK AND STRONG- if you end up only doing 8-9 or even if you are questionable about the next increase then keep with the same wt. Avoid decreasing wt. if possible, if you need to I would rather the reps went down and intensity stayed the same... that being said if you end up doing less than 8 reps for a set then switch it over to DB Shoulder Press.. main thing is to change it up.
For the SL's it's OK to end up with a bit left in the tank at the end of each set, ideally they would be quick and the reps would prove to be taxing not the sheer weight of the movement.... so, don't worry about adding wt.

Broad Jumps:
