Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Sept. 28/11

Your choice:
Choice #1:
Standpipe pack runs- in gear, on air optional:
Do one "floor", rest 1/2 the time it took to do the run.
Do 2 Floors, rest 1/2 the time to do that run.
Do 3 Floors, rest 1/2 the time it took to do that run
..... you choose how many floors you want to work up to, catch is you need to go back down. So if you do 4 floors then after a rest you will do 3, rest. 2. rest, 1 done.
If doing this on air, keep it on the entire time (rests included). Time how long it takes to hit 1/2 on the bottle then how long before low air..... good to know where you stand if actually going to hump hose up a stairwell in real life!

Choice #2:
Pyramid (On or off air, but in gear):
Same format as the first choice but different movements.
5 Duffle Bag Clean and press- ground to overhead
15m Sled Drag Forward
15m Sled Drag Backward
- as you pyramid up you will do this in rounds, so you will always do 5 DB Cleans and one trip there and back, just repeated for the # of rounds.
Weights in the bag and on the sled are totally up to you, just make sure it isn't easy!

If you were there the other day doing the SP Pack runs you might remember me mentioning that theoretically your effective strength/work capacity could drop to as low as 40% of that you have in the gym/training environment. With that in mind, here is an interesting chart that gives an idea of where one would be classed strength-wise based on a trained population. Where do you sit? And is there one area that is WAY lower on the scale than the others?
The one that you found to be the lowest on the scale for you should be considered you priority for strength training, until brought up to par with the others. This doesn't mean you stop training the other lifts, but more like it should be the first component of your first workout of the week. Takling your weaknesses will strengthen your strengths and help to prevent injury in the long run.... and in the short run too.

Have fun!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Sunday Sept. 25/11

A. Deadlift; Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps; only as much rest as needed (up to 90s or as long as it takes to switch out with a partner).

B1. Deadlift- 3 reps x 3 sets with wt. achieved in A; 30s rest.
B2. Leg Lower- take 5 secs. to reach ground; 5-15 reps x 3 sets; 90s rest.

C. As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 mins:
10 Burpees
10 Wall Balls- up to 20# to 10' target

Monday, 19 September 2011

Tuesday Sept. 20/11

A. 8-10 Rounds of:

- 5 Pullups/Chinups- preferrably strict at body wt. or with a bit of foot assistance, no kipping.
- 10 Goblet Squats- use KB/DB that you figure you could do for about 15 reps if fresh.
- 15 Situps- throw your hands to come all the way up.
- 60s rest

B. One Arm Farmer Carry- Heavy; 3-5 sets of 60s work: 30s rest after 2nd arm.

Grab a heavy DB or KB with your least dominant side and go for a 60s quick walk, switch hands immidiately and do another 60s, 30s rest.... repeat for a total of 3-5 times. Key is to pay attention to yourself, if you feel your core failing after a few rounds then stop there- be sure to give the same amount of stimulus to both sides.

If the movement is technically no problem for you then you can increase your speed.
The idea with the 3 movements together would be that you push it at around 80-90% effort to earn your rest periods. Keep wt. the same for all sets and if you find yourself crashing early then stop at the end of the next round, do not decrease wt. unless this happens in the first few sets. You can increase the weight if you feel the need.

Be cool like this guy... with only one though. Remeber, it is always easier to build your weight rather than find out it is too heavy. Be smart and make sure you listen to your sides/back, if there is any question about the wt. being too heavy then lower it before you even pick it up. You can always walk faster if needed, and there is always another workout to go heavier!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Workout Hiatus..OVER!

Hey guys, had to take a bit of time off there... sure you figured out something to do in the gym over the last few shifts!

Here you go for tomorrow:

A1. Chinups; Max reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.
A2. Ab Roll Out- Barbell or TRX; Practice keeping core tight and back happy, 5-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.

B. 5k / 3.2m run...... but....
every 3:00 get off and perform:
- 10 Burpees
- 10 KB Swings
- 10 Walking Lunges
(start 3:00 countdown when you get back on the TM)
How long will it take you to complete??

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sunday Aug. 4/11

So you want a core workout do ya?

  • Hit the bike/treadmill/rower for 3-5 mins- get the HR up a bit and a bit of a sweat on. Row/treadmill would be best as it will involve more arm movement and end up warming up the arms too.
  • Do some arm circles, leg swings, upper body twists.... dynamic stretches to get you limbered up.
  • 3 rounds of:
- 5 Pullups
- 10 Pushups
- 15 KB Swings
- 20 Walking Lunges (10 per leg)

A. Side Planks; Test how long you can hold each side for 3 sets; 30s rest b/t sides.
Goal is 90s on first set. Keep body perfectly straight, up on one elbow.... no leaning
forward! Shoulders should be stacked right on top of each other, if your top arm is
touching anything other than you hip- you're cheating.
Should look like this...your attire is up to you...

B1. Hanging Leg Raise (as high as you can go hanging from PU bar) ; 5-10 x 4 sets; 10s rest
B2. KB Swing- to eye level; 60s straight x 4 sets; 60s rest.
This is a super-set so be sure to do these in B1, B2, B1, B2..... order for all 4 sets. Get your
knees as high as you can hanging from PU Bar and switch right over to the KBS- choose a
wt. that you can maintain the full minute... add wt. if you are able to.

C. 100' Sled Drags- There and back: Drag sled forward 50' then pull sled backward 50'; 45s rest or as partner does his/her set.
Start with 45# on the sled and add 25-45# FOR EACH SET. Keep adding wt. until you feel
your body telling you to stop- this will be somewhere in the 5-10 rounds.

D. Got some juice left? Pick up a heavy DB and go for a walk.... just one heavy DB though.
When you feel the need to drop the wt. switch hands and turn around & go back to the
start. Repeat w/o rest for as many rounds as you can muster.

Good video on the KBS to recognize some good/bad movements. The only thing I would say to disregard for today is the ht. the KB goes to. CF likes to go overhead and that is fine, but for most everyone else the "Russian Swing" is quite acceptable and what I am looking for- just get it up high enough to see under it.... so when it says it's bad to only go that high, don't worry about it. The hip drive/tight back and heels planted are the main focus here.