Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Thursday Sept. 1/11

Today's workout is a repeat from: Friday Aug. 19/11, but with a few subtle differences- these will be indicated in bold in each section of the workout.

A. Standing One Arm DB Press; 5-7reps x 5 sets; 90s rest after second arm.
Keep palm/knuckles facing the side of you head the whole time and hold onto the rack with other hand for support.
(Use weaker arm first and if you can do all 8 reps then increase load, try to take a full 4 seconds on way down and drive up hard.) As you have done 1 less rep per set than last time you need to ensure the weight is higher than last time, try for around 5% increase in wt.

B. 3x
9 Pullups; 30s rest.
16-20(8-10 per leg) Alternating Lunges with heavier DB's in hands; 90s rest.
again work with around 5% increase in wts.

-5:00 total break before moving to C.

C. 5-15x, or add 3-5 rounds to last time:
10 Pushups
10 KB Swings to eye level
10 Situps rests, see how quick you can finish! Pick a # of rounds you want to complete, or even set a timer and get as many as possible done before the beeper goes off (I recommend 12 Mins. if this is your plan). Main thing is push yourself and make the pushups/KBS's perfect. Throw your hands to get a bit of momentum for the situps.... sounds like cheating but you are allowed for today!
If you went with the timed route last time then do the same time and see how much more you can do in the same amount of time.

If you have a hard time remembering what you did on previous workouts then it might be a good time to start documenting your workouts. iPhone/notebook/the comments section of these posts.... whatever works for you, go for it. You need to know if you are progressing!

Ummm, so what I am looking for is the way his hands are always pointed the same way- palms to face. When you get to the top bring your arm to your ear (not ear to arm) and lock out straight over head. While doing one arm hold on to something sturdy with the other.
A shirt that is too small is optional, however if your belly-button (or Bee Boo as my kids would call it) starts to show you just might get booted from the gym! Enjoy.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Saturday Aug. 27/11

A1. Ab Roll-Out- on TRX/Wheel/Ab Ball; 10-15 x 3 sets; 30s rest.
A2. Back Extensions; 10-15 x 3 sets; 60s rest.

B. 5x
400m Run- 1/4mile run on treadmill or 2 laps of hall
Max Rep Pullups
Preferrably no rest- shoot for bigger reps on PU, if using assistance get a minimum of 10 reps per round.

C. Farmer Carry; 60s on/60s off x 5-10 rounds.... increase wt. for each set until unable to increase without loosing grip of good posture.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Wed. Aug. 24/11

A. Goblet Squat/Front Squat; In 3-4 sets work up to a heavy set of 5 reps; little rest (just enough to switch wts/rotate w/ partner.

B1. Goblet Squat/Front Squat- using same 5 rep wt. as A; 4-6 reps x 4 sets; 30s rest.
B2. Hanging Knee Raise/ Knees to Elbows; 5-10 reps as high as possible; 60s rest.

C. 5 Rounds:
- 10 Pullups
- 10 Dips (or 20 Bench Dips)
- 400m Run (or 500m Row/2:00 Bike)
- 60s rest.

Goblet Squats
Short hiking optional....

Front Squat (ideal if you have the shoulder/wrist flexibility for it)

Bar Dips- get as low as your strength/flexibility will allow you.... there should not be shoulder pain here, just a good burn in the chest and tri's.

Bench Dips:
Massive amounst of wts. for this is optional

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Friday Aug. 19/11

A. Standing One Arm DB Press; 6-8reps x 5 sets; 90s rest after second arm.
Keep palm/knuckles facing the side of you head the whole time and hold onto the rack with other hand for support.
(Use weaker arm first and if you can do all 8 reps then increase load, try to take a full 4 seconds on way down and drive up hard.)

B. 3x
8 Pullups; 30s rest.
16-20(8-10 per leg) Alternating Lunges with DB's in hands; 90s rest.

-5:00 total break before moving to C.

C. 5-15x
10 Pushups
10 KB Swings to eye level
10 Situps rests, see how quick you can finish! Pick a # of rounds you want to complete, or even set a timer and get as many as possible done before the beeper goes off (I recommend 12 Mins. if this is your plan). Main thing is push yourself and make the pushups/KBS's perfect. Throw your hands to get a bit of momentum for the situps.... sounds like cheating but you are allowed for today!

Ummm, so what I am looking for is the way his hands are always pointed the same way- palms to face. When you get to the top bring your arm to your ear (not ear to arm) and lock out straight over head. While doing one arm hold on to something sturdy with the other.
A shirt that is too small is optional, however if your belly-button (or Bee Boo as my kids would call it) starts to show you just might get booted from the gym! Enjoy.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Tuesday Aug. 16/11

500m Row Sprint
Max Rep Pushups
2:00 Rest
Compare times to complete row to here: Monday July 18/11

Pushups are to the chest and nose to the floor (not belly) and full lockout at top.

Check out the post on the main page:

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

THursday Aug. 10/11

Equipment Needed:
-2x Class A Foam Pails
-1x Heavy Duffle Bag
-1x Skipping Rope
-2x Feet + 1x Heartbeat....

A. Side Planks; As Many Secs As Possible x 3/side; 30s rest b/t sides.

B. 5x
60s- Duffle Bag Clean- to alternating shoulders
60s- Foam Pail Farmer Walk- end to end in bay
60s- Skip Singles- fast skipping... as fast as you can manage
120s- Rest/cheer on your buddy

Hop the bag to one shoulder, drop to the floor and repeat but up to the opposite shoulder- how many times can you do this in the 60s? Try to maintain this # for all 5 rounds. Foam pail should be full... and skipping is a skill, if you aren't good at it then treat it as you are practicing skipping, if you are good at let it rip and see how many singles you can do- fancy footwork is OK.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Monday Aug 8/11

If you have 3 mins this video would be great to watch! The Press is all to often junk in the weight room.... yes at AFD too. Just like there is always room for improvement in our diets and sleep habits, there is definitely room for improvement in our movements! Take some time to PRACTICE the movements in your workout during your warmups, it will prime your body to be ready for the workout and also make you more efficient in the movement.... and more efficient = STRONGER, FASTER & MORE AWESOMER. (and yes I know awesomer is not a word, it is underlined in red right now, but it should be a word)

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; 7-9 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest b/t legs.

B1. Chinups; 9, 9, 9; 60s rest.
B2. Barbell Shoulder Press; AMRAP @ 65# x 3 sets; 60s rest.

C. Complete for time:
10 WallBalls
20 Situps/Crunchies
9 WallBalls
18 Situps
8 WallBalls
16 Situps
7 WallBalls
14 Situps
6 WallBalls
12 Situps
5 WallBalls
10 Situps
4 WallBalls
8 Situps
3 WallBalls
6 Situps
2 WallBalls
4 Situps
1 WallBall
2 Situps

For A- if you did the workout on Saturday July 23/11, then add 5% to the wt (5% of: your body wt.+total wt of DBs) and do for sets of 9. If you haven't done these then add wt. each set if you are able to do all 9 reps per set- if unable to do the movement then substitute weighted stationary lunges- videos to follow.

For B- Do a set of 9 pullups, rest 60s then do your set of Shoulder Press, rest 60s then repeat superset for a total of 3 rounds. If you did the workout on Sunday July 31/11 then try to make the intensity (wt.) about 5% harder and go for sets of 9- this works if you did pullups with or without assistance, just make sure it is a bit harder and you max out around 9 reps for the PU. For the Press give it a whirl to see just how many you can get each set... 10? 15? 20??

For C- Use UP TO 20# for the MedBall and up to around 10' for a target- obviously scale wt./ht. as needed. I would rather you get the lungs burning a bit on this than have you looking at the ball on the floor for 3 mins at a time thinking about the next set of 14... Situps can be crunchies too, be cautious of your back if this type of movement bothers you.... a good substitute for this would be knees to elbows like the last workout that was posted.

RFE Split Squat

DB Lunge/Split Squat variation

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Wed. Aug. 3/11

5 mins steady pace on bike/treadmill/rower/skipping rope (pick something you aren't used to)
5 Pullups (assisted if needed)
10 Pushups
15 Squats
20 KB Swings- wt. that you can do a full set of 20 each time

Some dynamic stretches - leg swings/arm circles etc.


A1. Back Extensions- SLOW tempo; 8-10 x 3 sets; 30s rest.
A2. Knees To Elbows- from pullup bar; 5-10 x 3 sets; 30s rest.

B1. Bench Press; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.
B2. External Rotator- slow; 8-10 x 3 sets; 60s rest (no rest b/t arms just after 2nd arm, use weaker one first)

C. 5x
10 Pushups
15 KB Swings- moderate wt.
20 WallBalls- up to 20# to around 10' high
60s rest

For both A and B try to maintain the same tempo with each movement- slow and steady. THis will likely drop the amount of wt. you are able to lift by a bit so expect it to be tougher than you are used to. For both the BP and Ext. Rot. increase the wt. each set if you do all 10 reps.
For C, the idea is gun it for each movement and earn your breaks- try to avoid resting during the sets, and enjoy the 60s break- light movements/walking etc.

Knees to Elbows:

External Rotator: