Saturday, 30 July 2011

Sunday July 31/11

A1. Chinups (palms facing you); 10, 10, 10; 60s rest.
A2. Goblet Squat w/ KB; 10-15 x 3 sets; 60s rest.

B. Front Plank; Max attempt x 2; 60s rest b/t attempts.

C. One Arm DB Row; 7-9 reps x 4 sets; 60s rest b/t arms.

D. Duffle Bag Ladder:
Duffle Bag Clean + Alternating Lunges

For the chinups use a wt./assistance that you can do all 10 reps, make them a bit harder for each set if using assistance. If doing all 10 reps w/ body weight or even additional wt. then see what your 10 rep max wt. is for the chinup. Front Plank... I heard someone on C shift mention they could do 4:40?? What about you? Go for it twice! One Arm DB Row- add 5% to the wt. used during the workout last Saturday.
How far can you go doing:
Clean the bag to your arms and perform 2 Reverse Lunges, drop the bag, clean the bag and do 4 lunges (2 per leg), drop, clean + 6 lunges.....
Try to get up to the 30 lunges, you can take a breath when the bag is on the ground but try to avoid dropping the wt. during a set.
If needed do 2-3 sets of 2-10 lunges.... questions, let me know!

Wt. can be this way or upside down... whatever. Just be sure the squats feel good and the wt. is challenging for you but not so heavy that you can't do at least 10 reps.

Skip forward to the 1 min mark... this is D of the workout today. The wt. doesn't need to be very heavy for this to be an awesome workout! If it feels light either go quicker or heavier. Have fun with this one!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Tuesday July 26/11

A. Shoulder Press; Build to a heavy set of 5... meaning over 3-4 sets build wt. to a point where you max out at 5 reps. Hold a 1 sec. pause at the top of each rep.

B. Side Planks; Set a timer for 60s, try to hold each side for as many secs. as possible during the min. Repeat 2x per side and take 60s rest b/t sides.

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Pushups
10 Squats
10 Pushups
10 Squats
Lap around building/200m run/250m row

Be sure to touch chest to floor on all pushup reps and get good depth on squats

Friday, 22 July 2011

Saturday July 23/11

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest b/t legs.

B1. Chinups; 5-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.
B2. Shoulder Press; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.

C1. One Arm Dumbell Row; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 30s rest.
C2. Pushups; Max reps x 3 sets; 60s rest.

D. 3-5 Rounds for time:
20 Situps
20 KB Swings- to eye level

Try to increase the intensity/resistance for each set if you are able to do all the rx'd reps. For the situps throw your hands as though you are cheating to get up and with the KB swings choose a wt. that you are able to do all 20 on at least the first set- you choose how many rounds you do b/t 3-5 rounds.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Monday July 18/11

*A1. Bench Press @ 30X1**; 5, 5, AMRAP; 60s rest.
A2. Back Extension @ 4022; 8-10 x 3; 60s rest.

B. External Rotator @ 30X1; AMRAP @ 10% of Bench Press 1RM***; 60s rest b/t arms.
- this is a test, 1 set per arm

C. 5x 30s work : 30s rest of (alternate b/t movements):
- KB Swings to eye level
- Full Situps- using arms to help you up.... even if it feels like cheating!

D. 3x
500m Row Sprint
Max Rep Pushups
2:00 rest- or whatever time it takes your partner to get off the rower

For A, in the first set choose a wt. you figure oyu can do for 10-15 reps- but only do 5! Then set #2 use a wt you figure you can do fo 8-12 reps... and only do 5. For the last set use a wt that you figure you can do 5-10 times and let 'er rip (at the right tempo) for as many reps as you can... this is a test so be sure to have a buddy ready to spot you and protect you from the last rep (that you might fail completely on).
For the BExtensions add wt each set that you do as long as oyu can do all 10 reps at tempo (4 sec. down, 0 sec pause, 2 sec. up, 2 sec pause).
B is a test too..... let's see what you got and don't be surprised if your arms differ in strength.
C is just fun core love.
D should be treated as a test too- how long does it take to go the 500m and immidiately do as many pushups as you can before taking the 2:00 rest- be sure to only count the pushups that your chest touches the floor and your elbows lock out on.

Answers to a few of your questions:
* A1, A2.... this means superset these. Do A1 movement & reps & rest then do A2 back and forth for the # of sets rx'd... easy to understand when you get the hang of it.
**what is "30X1"? It is the tempo that I want you to move the bar/weight/your body etc. it goes like this:
3- Eccentric: going WITH GRAVITY I want you to count 3 steamboats
0- Pause at end of eccentric: For BP this is on your chest... so don't hesitate before moving it back up.
X- Concentric: going AGAINST GRAVITY, this could be a # to indicate how many steamboats I want you to count, but this time I want you to eXplode up.... might feel slow at heavier wts. but the intention is key
1- Pause at end of concentric: Pause for 1 steamboat at the top of the BP before heading back to your chest with the bar.
This format will stay the same all the time and it is important, so if you are unable to maintain the rx'd tempo during your reps you need to stop your set and/or drop the wt used.

**To find your 1RM (repititions maximum/rep max) simply take the last all out set and use the wt used and reps:
(wt x reps x 0.033) + wt= 1RM
(not exact but a good enough measure)... you might want to bring your calculator/phone to the gym to figure this out!

If you do this workout then let me know your results- wt used and reps performed in A and B, time to do rows and reps performed in D.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Friday July 15/11

A. Back Squat; 4-6 reps x 4 sets; 2:00 rest.

B. 3x

8-10 Pullups; no rest

20 Alternating Lunges

90s rest

C. One Arm DB Row; 8-10 x 3 sets; 60s rest

D. Tabata: 20s work:10s rest x 8

Farmer Walk

For A and B the idea is that if you are able to do all the reps for the BS and the PU and DB Rows you will add wt. to the bar/your body. If you need assistance for the pullups then put your feet on a bench to help you up. Lunges are done for quality and speed, not wt. is required for you to add. If you have a typical timex watch the Tabata is pretty simple to set up- set your timer to repeat every 30s, on the first round start walking as quick as you can at the 20s mark, when it beeps you rest (should be 10s with a timex). Be ready (standing with wts. in hand) when the timer stops beeping so you can be walking for the whole 20s. Pick a wt. that is heavy but not crazy- pick a wt. you figure you can successfully do all 8 rounds with.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Sunday July 10/11

A. 3x
5-10 Ab roller/TRX Rollouts; no rest
60s BB Landmines
60s rest b/t rounds

B. As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 mins of:
- 10 KB Swings
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 200m Run (at 58 open the bay doors and run around the building, at 57 I figure it would work the same if you opened both sides in the gym area and ran around the longer way)

For A I will attach video of what this looks like, the BB landmines are a 45# bar just set in the hole of a heavy plate on the ground and you rotate side to side.  The key is that it is an "anti-rotation" movement- when you feel your core (on the sides) engage bring the bar back up to center with those core muscles.  This is not an arm, shoulder or lower back exercise so the focus should not be felt in these areas as much as in the oblique areas.
For B, KB swings are up to 24kg (55lb) for men and 16kg (35#) for women.  Use what works for you and go to at least a ht. that you can see under the ball when it gets up.  These should be felt in your Glute's, ham's, and quads but not lower back.  If that is where you feel it you need tweaking and we need to spend a few mins together.  Walking lunges are just with bodyweight.  If you feel as though you could increase the wt. for this workout then do more reps, don't add wt.  See how many rounds you can get in in the 20 mins... can you get 10?

The TRX Rollout- can be done kneeling or standing, try the kneeling (on a pad) first to see how it goes.  There are also wheels that you can do this with or even with a barbell on the floor.  The more horizontal you get the harder it is.

The Landmine- this guy has a contraption for the end of the bar to poke in but you can lay a 45# plate on the ground and place the bar into it on a 45deg. angle to get the same result.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Thursday July 7, 2011

A. Shoulder Press; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 90s rest b/t sets.

B. 5x
5-10 Chinups (palms toward you); 30s rest
15-20 Wall-Balls
2:00 rest

For A increase wt. each set if you can do all 10 reps- ideally the last set would be a max out at around 8-9 reps- do all 3 sets with rest b/f going on to B. For B it is the same format as a lot of stuff I will put up: do the rx'd chinups, take the 30s rest then do the WB's and take a 2:00 rest... repeat 5x. Try to do all reps unbroken- without resting b/t reps. If you end up stopping say on #16 of 20 then stop there and try to complete the whole set next round; if you do only about 10-14 then finish the reps to 20 even if you end up resting during the set. For the wt. with the WB's men use up to 20# and women up to 12#.

Picture of the "Rack Position" that the bar should be in for the Press- bar resting ON shoulders and elbows pushed forward so just in front of the bar. Press straight up so that you end up with elbows locked overhead and bar over heels- body in a straight line.
(pic snagged from

Friday, 1 July 2011

Saturday July 2, 2011

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat- be controlled with your tempo- slow down, quick up; 10-12/leg x 2 sets; 75s rest b/t legs.

- rest as needed before going on to B

B. Set a timer for 15 mins and complete as many rounds as you can of:
5 Pullups/Chinups- however you need to get your chin over the bar
10 Situps
15 Wall Balls- use up to 20lbs to roughly 10' target.  Use less wt. if you start off only doing a couple at a time- to a min. of 12lbs (for men, if women working out use max 12#)

Something to keep in mind- when it says things like 10-12, or 8-10 it is meaning reps per set.  Choose a load (might be just bodyweight to start) that you can perform a full set with, if you can do all rx'd reps with a certain wt. it is recommended that you increase the wt. for the next set..... well it's a bit more than recommended.... if you can do all reps then up the wt.  On the flip side, if you are unable to do the minimum 10 reps then decrease the load as it is too heavy for this particular workout.  For today this might mean doing Lunges instead of the split squat- either way stick to the appropriate reps and you'll get the training response we are looking for today.  I will attach some youtube vids of these movements so that there should be little to no confusion.... of course call/email me if there are questions.

The rear foot elevated split squat.
If putting your foot up is too tough for the rx'd reps.

Whichever you go with be nice to your knee!  If you need to put a towel or something under it so you don't smack it on the floor then go for it.