Tuesday, 28 June 2011

June 29/11

Here's the workout for today.... with a choice!
Choice A:

A. 3x
5-10 Bar Dips (weighted if you can do min. 10 reps, with foot assistance if needed); 60s rest.
10-15 Back Extensions (slow and controlled pace, carry wt. plate accross chest for added resis.)60s rest.

B. 3-5x
10-15 KB Swings- Moderate wt.
60s sled drag forward- 90-180#
60s sled drag backward- same wt.
2:00 rest.

Choice B:

Get your workout in with the Combat Challengers that will be at the hall for 0830....

Either way, sweat lots and have fun!

New workout blog!

Here is a go at more familiar territory for me, posting the workouts up on a blog.  What you might find is that this medium makes it easier to put up demo's and links to help you with the workouts and also give room for a "forum" if you have questions or comments etc.  It also comes in handy if you are to post your results in the comments section- this way you will also be able to track your progress for easy recall down the road.  For those of you that will keep your results in the comments section it also helps me to gauge the progress of the group and keep the workouts at the right intensity/skill level for everyone.

Let me know what you think and even what types of resources oyu would like to see on this site.  It will most likely change and evolve over time and ideally those changes/evolutions would come from our input as a group and not just my thoughts on how I would like to see things.....

Even if you don't plan on doing the workouts posted here I still encourage you to keep an eye on it.  The intention is that it will be a resource for everyone on our shift/in the department, regardless of what workouts they are doing.

-also, would be cool if you guys take pics of activities (workouts, training etc.) that you would think would make for good pics on the blog posts, I will post them up if I have them!

Happy sweating!