Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Wed. June 5/13

Always a good day to get squats in; 3 sets of 5 is money!  Not sure about that?  At least get some Goblet Squats into your warm-up:

On Air:

Set a timer for 4:30 and restart every 4:30, rest for remainder and get HR down.  Go until low air whistle then finish round.

10 Alternating Lunges
Stair Climb with DB in one hand and railing in other- 45# & up
50' Prowler Push
50'Prowler Pull

For the stairclimb go up with intent but not running, be smart.
For Prowler, use a wt. that you can be strong and explosive not a slug-fest.  Max 180lbs.

While resting:  Remove SCBA, inspect it and replace it on back while on air.  Get confident doing this with gloves on and with eyes closed.

At Low Air:
Do the SCBA removal but do it while lying down and finish by getting balaclava over LDV port on mask.