Always a good day to get squats in; 3 sets of 5 is money! Not sure about that? At least get some Goblet Squats into your warm-up:
On Air:
Set a timer for 4:30 and restart every 4:30, rest for remainder and get HR down. Go until low air whistle then finish round.
10 Alternating Lunges
Stair Climb with DB in one hand and railing in other- 45# & up
50' Prowler Push
50'Prowler Pull
For the stairclimb go up with intent but not running, be smart.
For Prowler, use a wt. that you can be strong and explosive not a slug-fest. Max 180lbs.
While resting: Remove SCBA, inspect it and replace it on back while on air. Get confident doing this with gloves on and with eyes closed.
At Low Air:
Do the SCBA removal but do it while lying down and finish by getting balaclava over LDV port on mask.
These workouts are put here as an option for AFD members to help improve their fitness related to FF activities. Each workout will contain a strength component (squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls etc) and finish with a conditioning component (lower skill movements done in intervals, rounds etc). The intention is to focus on building overall strength at the beginning of the workout when you are fresh and then use our strength for conditioning (as we are strength and power based athletes).